Jack Williams – Across the Winterline – A favorite!

So I started off Saturday morning by deciding I would listen to some music from each of the music genres I listen to most often. Sometimes it would be new music and sometimes music that,s been in my music library for a long time.And I actually picked an album that’s been in my library since the late 90s early 00s. Jack Williams’ 1997 release Across the Winterline. I bought the CD in the bargain bin at Tunes in Mount Laurel, NJ. I bought it at a time when my sons and I would go to Tunes almost every week. They were in their teens and I was getting back into buying music for me! Anyway I fell in love with Jack’s guitar playing and his songs about life in the south i’ve been a fan since then .

From Jack’s website

The music of Jack Williams, rooted in his native South Carolina, is shaped by a 65-year career of playing folk, rock, jazz, R&B, classical and the popular music of the 30s, 40s and 50s. He is counted among the most dynamic performers on today’s “folk” circuit – “…one of the most enlightened and entertaining performers I’ve ever encountered”, said Dave Humphreys of Two-Way Street Coffeehouse in Downer’s Grove, IL.

Jack is considered a “musician’s musician”, an uncommonly unique guitarist, a writer of vivid songs with a strong sense of place, and a storyteller in an old Southern tradition who further illustrates each tale with his guitar

More Buzz from his website

“…. his artistry… is nothing short of amazing. Dazzling picking, expressive voice, unique and interesting songs. He is a showman in the best sense of the word and just wowed our audience. I think they would have followed him anywhere.”
Rich Warren, WFMT “Midnight Special”, Chicago IL

I posted the above stuff from his website because they can tell you about Jack better than I can! All I can say he’s great and listen to his wonderful music! As for me, I need to check out and get a couple of his recent CDs

Here’s Jack performing a song from Across the Winterliine “Mama Lou” One of my favorites>


Links for the Further Exploration of the Music of Jack Williams

Artist’s Webstie
Jack’s Store

Up next is the Prog Rock album I listened to The Clockwork Man by This Winter Machine…….

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