Trying to Get My Bloggin MoJo Back!

Ok so the last year has been a blur. I had a couple of health problems that upset my life. First, there was a problem with my left eye. When I closed my right eye and only used my left eye, every thing had a gray cast to it, rather than the true colors. That problem sent me to an ophthalmologist who didn’t;t know what the problem was. So she sent me to a retina specialist who also wasn’t sure what caused the problem. Fearing I had some kind of mini-stroke he sent me to my family doctor for blood work and a cardiologist,The cardiologist was asked to perform an echo cardiogram and the ultrasounds for my carotid arteries. Both were fine no blockages anywhere. The cardiologist also had me wear a heart monitor for several weeks. At that time I was still running and everything again was good. So it was back to the retina specialist.

From the Retina Specialist to Other Specialists

He was still puzzled and said he’d like me to go see a neuro-ophthalmologist. I did that in December of 2023. His evaluation led to an MRI to make sure the were no masses in my head pressing on the optic nerve. The MRI revealed no mass and according to them an atrophied optic nerve that looked “funky” His recommendation was to remove my not too bad cataracts. Their thinking was that the removal of the cataracts would improve my vision. So it was back to the retina specialist. He in turn sent me to a cataract specialist to be evaluated. It didn’t take long for the cataract specialist to long to determine that, yes she could remove the cataracts, but not before I was evaluated for glaucoma!

Finally, an Answer!

I visited the glaucoma specialist this past April and he quickly determined that yes I had glaucoma in that eye. So now I am using eye drops that have lowered my eye pressure greatly.

Now in addition to worry about my eye, I also had problem was my carpal tunnel, which went from a minor annoyance to a major annoyance! /My hands were so bad that I woke up two or more times a night with both hands on fire. I had to shake them and hope they woke up! Anyway that sent me a a hand specialist and cortisone shots and surgery looming. However.since January my hours are Target have been cut drastically and my hands are pretty good at least I don’t wake up at night and my dexterity has improved!

Don’t Forget Babysitting!

So as if the above was not enough to upset my blogging life,my daughter had a baby in February of 2023. In September my wife and I became full time babysitters for her. We babysat almost everyday from September to June from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Needless to say it has been hard to find time to blog and/or run during those months.

But how can you not enjoy every day you’re with this little one!

Bottom Line – Let’s Get Writing 

So the bottom line is I have four or five weeks to get back in the groove of blogging. And that means I need to keep reading, listening to great music and running and doing stuff to turn back my biological clock. So I have something to write avout!

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