Charles Curtis becomes the First Native American Senator – Jan 23,1907

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Needless to say,  I haven’t posted at this site for eons! Hopefully, I can start it up again and post on a more regular basis.

So let’s begin with an On This Day In History. On January 23, 1907 Charles Curtis, of Kansas, became the first Native American to serve in the United States Senate. In 1929 Curtis became U.S. President Herbert Hoover’s Vice President. From Wikipedia….. I Read More

Hattie Caraway – First Woman Elected to the US Senate!

On January 12, 1932 – Hattie Caraway became the First Woman Elected to the US Senate!!

On this day, January 12th in 1932 Hattie Caraway became the first woman elected to the United States Senate!! Caraway was the wife of Arkansas politician Thaddeus Caraway. Her husband was elected to the House of Representatives in 1912 and served as a Representative until 1921,. He became a Senator in that year and served in that capacity until he died in office in 1931. It had been a precedent at that time that the widows were appointed to temporarily take their husbands positions. Following that precedent Governor Harvey Parnell appointed Hattie Caraway to the vacant seat and she was sworn in to office on December 9th of 1931. Caraway with the backing of the Arkansas Democratic party easily won the special election held in 1932 for the remaining months of the term and became the first women elected to the Senate! Read More

D.B.Cooper Jumps into History Nov 24,1971

November 24, 1971 – D.B.Cooper Jumps – Todd Snider puts it to Song!

In November of 1971, I was 20 years old and entering my sophomore year at the University of Florida. On the 24th of that month……

A hijacker calling himself D.B.Cooper parachutes from a Northwest Orient Airlines 727 into a raging thunderstorm over Washington State. He had $200,000 in ransom money in his possession. Read More

Robert La Follette – Wisconsin Republican Progressive!!

Robert La Follette – “Fighting Bob” – Wisconsin Governor, Senator and Presidential Candidate (June 14, 1855 – June 18, 1925)

Among those born on June 14th is  another unsung American heroes the Republican/Progressive,from Wisconsin Senator Robert La Follette. Yes, while it is hard to believe considering today’s Wisconsin, under the governorship of Scott Walker. Wisconsin was once a very progressive state!  Well there is one really big black sheep Joseph McCarthy (at least in my opinion). In my lifetime, notable Senators from Wisconsin include: Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day, William Proxmire creator of the Golden Fleece Award. Most the most recent carrier of the mantle of Progressives from Wisconsin is Russ Feingold. Feingold has recently reentered the political arena and will hopefully regain his seat in the Senate. Anyway, I sure hope so! But back to the politician whose birthday we celebrate today! Robert La Follette…. Read More

Seattle Metropolitans win Stanley Cup March 27,1917!

Seattle Metropolitans the first US Team to win the Stanley Cup!

Okay, I am not the world’s biggest hockey fan.Living in the suburbs of Philly,I do follow the Flyers and a couple of years ago attended several games. However, I did not follow any hockey before 1967, when the Flyers entered the league,. In 1967 the NHL doubled in size adding six teams to the original six teams.So when  saw that on March 27, 1912.  The Seattle Metropolitans, of the Pacific Coast Hockey Association, defeated the Montreal Canadians and became the first U.S. hockey team to win the Stanley Cup. I said huh?? The Seattle Metropolitans? The Pacific Coast League of Canada and the Stanley Cup?? I needed to find out about this!! Read More

Aldus Manutius – the Renaissance's Leading Publisher

Aldus Manutius – Venice publisher who created the first pocket-sized books!

This afternoon I saw this post in Twitter feed – A Tribute to the Printer Aldus Manutius, and the Roots of the Paperback.. The tribute is a new show in New York at the Grolier Club in Manhattan, “Aldus Manutius: A Legacy More Lasting Than Bronze,” The show brings together nearly 150 books from Aldine press founded by  Manutius in Venice in 1494. The books are known as Aldines. So who is this Aldus Manutius and what does he have to do with paperback books. I think I need to find out about this…..
At Wikipedia I read….. Read More