Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu meinem Tag in detscher Sprache. ich heiß Edward und ich lerne Deutsch. Ich mache diese website zu helfen mir lernen.
A month of so ago, I started learning to speak and read German again. I restarted for two reasons. First to help in my research of my German roots and secondly because dropping my second quarter of German class in college led to my not graduating from the University of Florida on time! So learning the language is to prove to myself that I can do it all be it 46 years later! I have already written about the materials that I have been using in my study of German. For me write now it seems that reading and writing my own sentences and little stories are working best for me. With that in mind I have started this website. What I want to do in this website is to write little stories of my life with hopes that the writing will help me learn to language.As I move along I will try to expand what I write about as my vocabulary increases. Right now I am using a couple of translation apps and a dictionary to help me put together the stories. I also plan to continue to use the other resources i.e. textbooks and other books with stories in my studies.
So here is my first installment in Mein Tag in detscher Sprache……
Heute Mein Tag begann Ich Mit Yoga. Dann Ich hatte einen Smoothie und einfache Müsli für Frühstück. Nach dem Frühstück begann ich unsere Wäsche. Dann machte ich unserer Bett.Dann sah ich es! Ein bagger!
German: Die Bagger in unserer Straße
English: The backhoe in our street!ja,in unserer strasse gibt es heute ein bagger!. Mein Enkel Oliver werde sehr glücklich wenn es ist noch hierher diese nachmittag. Ich habe ein paar Bilder nd ein Video um Oliver später ziegen schießen. Die Arbeiter wurde ein wenig nach dem Mittagessen und der Bagger ein wenig später verließ. Pech fur Oliver!
Wir holten Oliver in seinem Siiter Haus auf 3 Uhr.. Er aufhoren nicht, bis wir ihn bei der Arbeit seines Vaters bei 5:00 geloscht!
Ok so I know it is no literary masterpiece but I am still in the crawling stage!! For me i am learning more just writing simple sentences like the above. than I do just doing exercises in a book! I do know that some exercises are important and will keep doing them!
Now a summarized translation of the above My day started with Yoga – my”New Beginnings Routine” Then I had a smoothie and raisin granila for breakfast. I made the bed and started the wash! Then I saw the backhoe out in the street! Yes, there was a backhoe on or street Oliver would have loved it. In case they weren’t there when I picked him up at 2 this afternoon, I took some pictures and a video. The men finished up just after lunch. We picked oliver up at three and he didn’t stop until we dropped him off at his father’s work at 5 o’clock!
Some Vocabulary…...
Bilder schießen – take photographs
später – later
Pech fur Oliver – Too bad for Olive
Er aufhoren nicht – He doesn’t stop!
das Bagger – backhoe