Pretty Girls – Karin Slaughter

Pretty Girls – Karin Slaughter – One of her best!! *****

So it seems that I oftentimes avoid reading stand alone books written by authors whose series are among my favorites. This was the case with Karin Slaughter’s stand alone novel Pretty Girls, which was released in September of 2015. But when I saw that the Kindle Edition was on sale for $3.99 the other day, I thought now is the time! All I can say is Wow! What a fool I am!! And bring on William Kent Krueger‘s Ordinary Grace! I guess one of the reasons that I avoid stand alone novels is that I’m afraid that they won’t measure up to the series that I love! In the case of Karin Slaughter that series is the Grant County/ Will Trent Atlanta series. Hmm, let’s see Pretty Girls not only measured up it may be the best book that Karin Slaughter has written, and at least one of my top favorites of her books. Read More

Orphan X – Gregg Hurwitz – Book 9 of 2016

Gregg Hurwitz – New Evan Smoak series is off to a great start with Orphan X ****

Gregg Hurwitz is one of those authors whose books I read sporadically and when I  do read one of his books, after I finish it I usually say “Can You Tell me Edward, why you don’t read every Hurwitz book when it comes out?? To which I answer simply no – which is better than omitting I am a fool!! So when I recently saw that Hurwitz had started a new series and the first book Orphan X would be released soon, I knew I’d be a fool again not to read it!! Having just finished it the other day – I can say I am thankful I am not an old fool and bring on book 2 of the Evan Smoak series!! Read More

More Guitars than Friends – Anni Piper

More Guitars Than Friends - Anni Piper
More Guitars than Friends from “Australia’s First Lady Of The Blues.” – Anni Piper

Anni Piper - More Guitars Than FriendsThis morning I decided to start my week with a little blues. I reviewed the Roots Music Report Blues Chart and came away with six albums that I wanted to listen to this afternoon. Anni Piper was  the artist who came first alphabetically. Anni’s latest release More Guitars than Friends, currently sits at number 29 on the chart up from 45 last week. How could I go wrong with an album title like that!! Read More

A Playlist to Get the Body Moving!

Jump into this Morning Playlist to Get the Body Moving – Feet First!!

So this morning I set out to create a short playlist composed of tunes that usually get me moving (at least my feet) and put me in a good mood! I started the playlist with the classic “Uncle Pen” and the version I chose was from Leon Russell‘s Hank Wilson is Back album. Leon covers, this song and all the other classic’s on the album so well!! Read More

Flogging Molly – Electric Factory – Feb 2010

: Dave King and wife Bridget Regan performing with Flogging Molly in Baltimore, MD in February 2010

Originally Posted at Me,Myself, Music and Mysteries – February 2010

Flogging Molly Electric Factory – February 2010

Last night my wife and I treked to the Electric Factory to see her favorite band Flogging Molly. This is either the eight or ninth time we have seen them live. We have gone several times to Philly venues, the Electric Factory and the Trocadero,  twice to the House of Blues in Atlantic City and once to Sayreville, NJ. As always the show was great. Last night, I thought that the leader of the band and lead vocalist Dave King was in rare form and had a really good time. The band played for about two hours and played a set that consisted of standards like “Drunken Lullabies“, “Requiem for a Dying Song”, “Float”, “Seven Deadly Sins”, “Rebel with a Sacred Heart”, “Factory Girl”, with Bridget singing the Lucinda Williams part,  a short acoustic set and a few songs that they typically don’t play like “The Wanderlust” and “Lighting Storm”  and I am sure a couple more and since they don’t play them I don’t know them. The show ended with the typical encore song “Black Friday Rule”, which was one of the first songs they wrote when they formed the ban and as usual King played the bodhran in the song. Read More

Votum – :Ktonik:

Votum – Atmospheric Progressive Metal – Poland

So this afternoon I decided to explore some new progressive rock releases. So I went to New Prog Rock Releases and started looking. First I checked out  from France – Far From Your Sun and their album “In The Beginning… Was The Emotion”,. I gave it a quick listen and thought their music sounded promising but I moved on. The second band was an  “Atmospheric Progressive Metal” band Votum. Their latest release in titled T:Ktonik: I found this album really interesting and ended up listening to the whole album, and followed up with a trip to ProgArchives to find out more about the band! Read More

Johnny Cash – Music Icon Born Feb 26. 1932!

Johnny Cash (February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003)

On February 26, 1932 in Kingsland, Arkansas, the fourth child of Ray Cash and Carrie Cloveree,, J.R. was born. When J.R, joined the Air Force he was told he couldn’t use just initials, so he used John R. Cash. In 1956 when he began recording for Sun Records he began using Johnny Cash… and the rest of the story we know, but we’ll let Wikipedia sum it up…. Read More

Thoughts About Mindfulness and Mystical Morning..

Lead to New Directions for My Blogs and a Mystical Morning Commute!

The other morning while meditating my mind turned toward my blog and I thought of my blog in relationship to my body mind and spirit. Much of what I try to do during the day is directed at one of those three aspects of life. Whether it’s trying to enrich and keep my mind sharp by reading, exercising and eating right to help my body and meditating and listening to New Age music to lift my spirit, the actions I take revolve around these aspects of life. Anyway what I am going to try for a while is to keep this blog oriented toward the rejuvenation, and revitalization of my mind, body and spirit, Read More