Greg Trooper – Incident on Willow Street – Lunch Time Music


 Greg Trooper passed away on January 15,2017 two days after his 61st birthday. And like those who passed away before him I still miss him. Incident on Willow Street released in 2013 was his last studio album. You can read more here

Originally posted Sept 17,2013

Incident on Willow Street – Greg Trooper

So if you’ve read this blog over the last few days you know one of the albums that I’ve been listening to lately is Greg Trooper’s new release Incident on Willow Street.  Personally, I think that the album is one of this finest works.

The opening song “All the Way to Amsterdam” is about young girl dealing with an alcoholic, abusive father by dreaming about skating away on the canals of the Netherlands. It is as poignant and heartfelt song as I’ve ever heard!! From there the album just keeps getting better and better. Greg follows with “Goodbye Heart”, “Mary of the Scots in Queens” and “Steel Deck Heart”. (They are not in that order, that’s just the way they came to me). I could go on and on about the other eight tracks on the album but check it out for yourself!! So how about I tell you what some of his contemporaries say about Greg:

What Others Say About Greg…..

“Greg Trooper writes great songs, including one of my very favorite songs in the world, Little Sister. On top of all that, there’s his voice – an instrument I have coveted for 15 years.” – Steve Earle

“Greg Trooper has got to be on our list of our finest contemporary songwriters.” – Billy Bragg

“Greg Trooper is a songwriter and performer who deserves about 12 times the attention he’s received. He knows how to play rock against country and folk and position the pressures of adulthood against the longing for adolescent freedom.” – Dave Marsh

Here’s some lunchtime music from the album. One of my favorites “Steel Deck Heart”


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