Life’s Soundtracks – Two Runs – Back to Back!! Dragonforce and JC Stylles!!

So yesterday I did something that I really never thought I could do again, I ran on back to back days! On Sunday, I ran four miles over one of the hardest course I have,i.e. it has  hill and a half in the run, and then today I came back and ran an easy 5K! And right now my legs and body feel pretty good, the real test will be tomorrow! Here are the times, I know boring!!

Yesterday – 4 miles – total time 45:22 – splits 1 mile – 9:38, 2 mile 10:40 3 mile 10:41, 4 mile 11:39

Today – 3.1 miles – total 33:03 1 10:18, 2  10:37, 3 10:48 .1 1:21

Today I set out to run a nice slow run and was constantly trying to keep my pace down. and no big hills – The soundtrack for the run was JC Stylles album Blakey Grease. JC  is a great jazz  guitarist and he plays in an organ trio setting – good stuff you can read about it here

Yesterday I made a mistake and used Dragonforce, for the whole run – I should NEVER use Dragonforce for the first mile of a run!! You can see that the first mile yesterday was 9:38, which was a really good time – but not so good when you have to climb a hill in the second mile! I basically held on for the next 3 plus miles!!!

The power withinThe Dragonforce album was The Power Within and it gave me too much on that first mile!! Here are the first two tracks that did me in!! “Holding On”

and “Fallen World”



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