From the Archives – A Morning of Jazz – Wes Montgomery and Wynton Kelly – Smokin’ at the Blue Note!

Smokin' at the Half Note

Last night when I was sifting through my vinyl collection I came across the Wes Montgomery album Willow Weep For Me, Finding that album reminded me of this post I had written a while ago. I read the liner notes for the album which has always been a favorite and discovered that in the summer of 1968 Verve Records discovered previously unreleased tracks and the seven that are included on Willow Weep for Me were recorded at the same booking at The Half Note in Greenwich Village! In the notes Richard Lamb writes: Read More

Re-Exploring Jimmy Smith – Jimmy Smith’s Greatest Hits! (video)

By the time I became familiar with the music of Jimmy Smith in 1969, Jimmy had already recorded thirty-one (31) albums on the Blue Note label and an addition 25 albums on Verve! So I started with a Greatest Hits Album that covered the Blue Note years. Jimmy Smith Greatest Hits The condition of the album cover may give you an idea of how much the album has been used over the years! Anyway the other day I was sifting through my vinyl albums, saw it, cranked up the turntable and gave it a listen. I picked out the side 4 of the second side of the disk to of the album. Actually. that side of the album was not in too bad of shape!!Anyway I gave it a listen and the trumpet on the second track caught my attention the track title was “Flamingo” and the trumpet player was Lee Morgan!! Damn! I knew him way back when!! Then I started to look at the rest of the two-disk album and I found out that I knew several of the musicians that I’ve written about lately, way back then!! Here’s a table…… Read More

Thursday June 26 – This Day in Music – Bill Broonzy was born – Celebrate with Dave and Phil Alvin’s New Album!

Last Thursday June 26 was either the 121st or the 110th anniversary of the birth of Big Bill Broonzy, depending on whatBig-Bill-Broonzy you believe. Most researchers believe that Big Bill was born Lee Conley Bradley in 1903 or 1904, in Plum Bayou , Jefferson County Arkansas and is one of the  children of Frank and Mittie Bradley. But Big Bill told people that he was born in Scott, Mississippi. He also told people he had a twin sister, Laney. I spent all day yesterday looking at census records and other records at to substantiate either claim. According to the 1910 Census  Lee Bradley is listed a 6 years old as the son of Frank and Mittie Bradley. Bill’s sister Lanie is also listed and is 3 years younger than Bill! Here are Lee’s siblings as listed in the 1900 Census. Read More

2014 Blues from Walter Trout – The Blues Came Callin’ – with Ex-Boss John Mayall!!

The Blues Came  Callin'On Tuesday of this week the new album, The Blues Came Callin’ from Walter Trout was released, and it has been in my rotation since then, like all of Walter’s work it is amazing! The most amazing thing is that he recorded the album, while he was waiting for a liver transplant! He was doing exactly what the opening track of the album says he was “Wasting Away”, during the later part of his illness, Walter lost over 100 pounds! When I  went  to his website, and looked at his picture, my first response was that is not Walter!! But it obviously was! He received his new liver a week or so ago and according to updates there have been some very rough post-operative complications, that Walter seems to be riding out. I have not checked back today, I will tomorrow and write more about his condition tomorrow! Read More

An Evening Spent Exploring the Sub-Genres of Jazz – from Swing to Hard Bop

Horace Silver and the Jazz MessengersAs you may have surmised if you have read any of my posts, I am not a jazz guru. I am someone who has been listening to the music of the genre since the late 1960s. Until a few years ago, my listening has been limited to a select few musicians, including Wes Montgomery, Jimmy Smith, Miles Davis and a few others. However, within the last several years, I have listened to more and more jazz and within the last year my list of favorites has exploded!!  As a result, I have developed this website to write about my explorations of the genre. Depending on my mood, I may listen to a past great or maybe a new kid on the block. Jazz listening is very much based on how I feel and what I’m doing! Read More

Life’s Soundtracks – Two Runs – Back to Back!! Dragonforce and JC Stylles!!

So yesterday I did something that I really never thought I could do again, I ran on back to back days! On Sunday, I ran four miles over one of the hardest course I have,i.e. it has  hill and a half in the run, and then today I came back and ran an easy 5K! And right now my legs and body feel pretty good, the real test will be tomorrow! Here are the times, I know boring!! Read More

Mid -Year Review of the 2014 Jazz Albums…….


This is actually the first post on this site. However, there are a lot of posts here, most of the posts were originally posted at either Me, Myself. Music or Mysteries   or FreeWheelin’ Music Safari. The purpose of this site is to focus on jazz and new age music instead of several different genres. Read More

Listen Up -What's Your Favorite Song with Onomatopoeia in the title?? (Video)

Ok, so last night I thought would be clever and ask what was your favorite song, that uses the word Onomatopoeia in the title figuring that John Prine, ever the original, was the only one who used the word in the title of a song! Wrong!! I went to Spotify and there I found several songs using the word in the title. Now, I will ask in all seriousness; "What is your favorite song with "Onomatopoeia" in the title!!