Remembering Journalist William Worthy (1921-2014) Democracy Now and “The Ballad of William Worthy” – Phil Ochs (videos)

This morning when I went out to run some errands I took the iPod with me and set it on shuffle songs.Phil Ochs' song "The Ballad of William Worthy" came on about in the middle of the trip. Since Mr Worthy died on the 4th of last month (May), I'll take the playing of the song as a sign that I should take a few moments to reflect on the life of a very important journalist that we should all know a little more about!!

Progressive Metal From Australia – Teramaze – Esoteric Symbolism

Today I had a chance to listen to two progressive metal bands, whose latest albums sounded interesting when given quick listens on Progstreaming. The albums and bands were Esoteric Symbolism from Teramaze and A Frail Deception the debut from Psycrence. Once again these two bands exemplify the worldwide appeal of progressive metal, Teramaze hail from Melbourne, Australia, while Psyrence call Athens, Greece home!! (Part 1 - here Teramaze - Part 2 to follow??)

Book No. 8 of 2014 – Wallace Stroby’s Cold Shot to the Heart (Crissa Stone #1)

Oh Boy! I finally read a book quickly and increased this years book's read total all the way to eight!! (He says with a sarcastic sneer on his face and tone in his voice). The book was Cold Shot to the Heart and is book #1 in the Crissa Stone series from Long Branch, New Jersey native Wallace Stroby. They always say that you should write about what you know and what would a former writer for the Newark Star-Ledger know better mob related crime! (typed with Jon Stewart's mob voice ringing in my ears!)

This Day in Music – May 25, 1960 – In Philly – Jazz Trumpeter Wallace Roney was born! (video)

Wallace Rooney 2Today is the great Miles Davis‘ birthday. He shares his birthday with the only trumpet player that he ever mentored Wallace Roney. Wallace was born in Philadelphia in 1960 So he is too young to have experienced 1960, which was the year that former Whiz Kids manager re Eddie Sawyer resigned as the hapless Phillies’ manager after a 9-4 opening day loss to the Reds and said.: “I’m 49 years old and I want to live to be 50.”  But I digress so it’s back to Wallace. Read More

Today's Celebrations – Mother's Day in Sweden, Independence Day in Jordan and Towel Day!!

So this afternoon, when I went to Wikipedia to research jazz trumpeter Wallace Roney, who celebrates his 54th birthday today, my eyes wandered down the Wikipedia main page to check what national holidays were being celebrated today. I saw that……
Mother’s Day is being celebrated in Algeria, France, Morocco and Sweden
First Patriotic Government in Argentina (1810)
Independence Day in Jordan 1946
and Towel Day….


Towel Day 2005, Innsbruck, Austria, where, by his own account, Adams got the inspiration to write the Guide.

Towel Day??? My inquisitive senses are tingling – I hit the link and discovered that the celebration of Towel Day began in 2001, two weeks after the death of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s author Douglas Adams’ on 11 May 2001. The commemoration was started as a way for fans to show their appreciation for both Adams and the books he authored! On the day fans carry towel with them all day. Why a towel?? The importance of a towel is described in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…..
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This Day in Music – May 24, 1941 – Jazz Organist Charles Earland was born in Philly!!

Chalres EarlandI browse the daily listing of jazz birthdays each day not only for whose birthday it is that particular day, but also to discover new music. Many times I select who I read about by the instrument they play. Other times I select someone with a foreign sounding name, figuring that will lead me to explorations of jazz music beyond America’s shores. Tunisian born Wajdi Cherif is a perfect example of this type of choice. I read about, and spent time listening to Charles Earland’s music this morning, based on the instrument he plays – Hammond B3 organ!! Read More

The Best Mystery Authors – Part One – The Ranker List – What Do You Think??

Ok so I have visited the Ranker site before, but today and yesterday I spent some time on the site looking at various list that would pertain to this blog. The following list is one of them. I am in total agreement that Agatha Christie is the greatest mystery writer of all time, but many of the writers that I have read over the years are not even on the list!! and if they are they are well below where they would be on my personal list of the best mystery writers of all time. So I will break this post down into two posts, this is the first, duh! and in it I am presenting the Ranker listing and would ask for your thoughts or comments! The second list will be the Me, Myself and Mysteries list. But you will have to wait until after my 6 and 1/2 hour break! So for now the question is What Do You Think??? No James Lee Burke??