A New Idea leads to Stevie Ray and Bill Morrissey

You know what they say- out of site out of mind. Over the last week or so I do believe they may be right.
Recently, I decided to take the CDs I like out of storage and put them on shelves in my room. Yes I know I can play them all on my iPod or I can stream them on Spotify, but there is something about seeing and holding an album or CD that feels good and right.
Cultural Literacy Leads to Michael Faraday!
Four Proposed Reads Will Take Me to Three States and Iceland
The Boy from the Woods -Harlan Coben delivers again!
Charles Curtis becomes the First Native American Senator – Jan 23,1907

Needless to say, I haven’t posted at this site for eons! Hopefully, I can start it up again and post on a more regular basis.
So let’s begin with an On This Day In History. On January 23, 1907 Charles Curtis, of Kansas, became the first Native American to serve in the United States Senate. In 1929 Curtis became U.S. President Herbert Hoover’s Vice President. From Wikipedia….. I
Doc Watson – Elementary Dr. Watson – Day 12 Folk Music Challenge
John Gorka – Land of the Bottom Line – Day 11 Folk Challenge

I often divide my folk music collection into Roots, Branches and Leaves. The roots are artists who I listened to in the 560s and 70s. The branches are folks I discovered in the 80s through 2010. Finally, the leaves are musicians I have discovered since 2010, when I started to write about music. Today I listened to the music from one of those branches, John Gorka.