From New Age Piano to Blues – How Many Genres Does Your Music Listening Cross?

Thoughts About My Music Listening

Ok so this morning as I was writing my morning post I listened to Ann Sweeten’s 2016 release Where Butterflies Dance. The album is an album full of beautiful piano music. That album must have finished, before I was done writing because when I went back to Spotify, after finishing writing my post, a different piano artist’s music was playing! Read More

A Good Workout, a Good Run with Great Blues from Laurie Morvan.

Gravity - Laurie Morvan

Okay so I will find out today if I over did it yesterday How you ask? Well maybe you didn’t ask or even want to know how. But I am going to tell you anyway!

The Morning Workout

It all started with my morning workout. It was intended to be a 46 minute workout using just about every piece of workout equipment I own. At the start of the workout I was feeling pretty good so I was moving a little quicker than normal and that continued throughout the workout. Read More

Descent – Tim Johnston – A Parent’s Nightmare Visited!

Descent - Tim Johnston

Descent is the debut adult novel from author/teacher Tim Johnston and a decent debut it is. It is the story of the Courtland family. Father Grant, mother Angela, and children   Caitlin and Sean who are on vacation in the Colorado Rockies, when the unthinkable happens. Caitlin 18 a high school track star goes for a morning run in the mountains, with her brother Sean. There is an accident and only an injured Sean returns! Read More

A Hand-Me Up Fitbit Blaze Reignites My Workouts!

Exercise Equipment used in my workouts

Ok  so I have said before that a Fitbit in and of itself will not make you fit. However, it does show you the fruits of your exercising and helps to motivate you.

EKK starts the Year Sans Fitbit…

This year, I didn’t have a Fitbit at the beginning of the year. I had two Charge Hrs, however, both had fallen apart to the point that they couldn’t be recharged. And one had frozen during a firmware update. For a while I was able to charge and use the unfrozen one. But then it also froze during a firmware update also.  The end result was, I found it hard to get motivated to do some of my more energetic workouts. So I was exercising, but not very hard. Read More

Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America…

Democracy in Chains - Nancy MacLean

If You Want to Understand the Roots of Our Current Political Situation – Read this Book!

Over the last few weeks I am finding it more and more difficult to post. Again I haven’t stopped reading, listening or exercising just that when I sit down to write a post, I get distracted and pick up a book or good do something else. Anyway I just finished book 9 of 2017. The following read though is for book 7. Hopefully, if I can get myself focused and motivated reviews for book  8 Parting Shot by Linwood Barclay and book 9 Descent by Tim Johnston, will follow shortly. Read More