A Six Pack Playlist of New Blues – (Dec 3-9 2017)

Stompin Ground - Tommy Castro leads of the Weekly New Blues Playlist

Tommy Castro’s Stompin’ Ground Kicks off a  Playlist of New Blues 

So last week after I made the John Gorka playlist I visited the Roots Music Report’’s Blues Chart. I scanned down the list. There were new releases from a few artists I know and like and several new artists. I decided to make a playlist to see which albums I would like to explore in more detail, I.e. listen to the full album. Here are the albums and artists, the playlist and my thoughts on the albums. Read More

Assassin’s Code – Ward Larsen – Slaton v. Terrorists – in France

Assassin’s Code -Ward Larsen (David Slaton #4)

The other day Assassin’s Code by Ward Larsen became the 59th book I have read this year. That leaves only one more book to read before the end of the year to reach my goal of 60 books read!  It is also the third David Slaton novel I have read this year. Previously, I read Assassin’s Game and Assassin’s Silence in February and March respectively. All three have been terrific reads. Read More

Thoughts About Future Old Favorites Playlists

Bright Side of Down - on the old favorites playlist

Thoughts About Future Playlists and Music Favorites

One of my goals, when I first started to blog, was to present the music that I have listened to over the last fifty years! Wow! Has it really been that long? Anyway,  over the course of my blogging I have written many about my favorite musicians like John Prine, Phil Ochs and Tim Paxton But there are so many more that I want to write about. The problem has been that I  took the blog in a totally different direction. I  started to write more and more about discovering new music and new genres. Those explorations have been great and have led me to some fantastic bands and musicians. However, there is only so much time in the day to listen to music so, as I listened to more new music, I listened to less old music. Read More

Another Great Toe-Tapping Album from Trout Steak Revival

Spirit to the Sea - Trout Steak Revival

Trout Steak Revival – Spirit to the Sea

Yesterday I posted that two albums have stood out in my music rotation over the last few weeks. The first one was Hard Times the latest release from jazz saxophonist Vincent Herring. The second one is Spirit to the Sea from the Colorado Indie-Americana string band Trout Steak Revival. I first encountered the music of Trout Steak Revival back in 2012 , when I listened to their album Flight. After listening to that album I knew that this was a band that was going places. And they did! Read More

New Music from Vincent Herring Joins My Music Rotation. Part 1

I do believe, two of the albums that have been in my music rotation for a few weeks. Now highlight my eclectic taste in music. One is the latest from jazz saxophonist Vincent Herring, while the other is from a bluegrass band Trout Steak Revival. While I don’t think I am alone with my live for both these genres of music, I would think I am in the minority.
Anyway here is my take on the first of these two albums. Read More

A Knee Injury and Dr. Amen lead to Positive Changes!

Goodbye Coffee and Coca-Cola – Hello Teas

So last week was basically a week without exercising. The reason is that sometime during the previous week I reinjured my knee.

It all began about a month ago, when I fell near the end of a four-mile run. I scraped my knee and a finger or two. Both of the scrapes healed over the next few weeks, but there was still some discomfort in the knee, particularly, when I put pressure on it. Then on Thursday night November 9th, my knee really hurt,  when I climbed into bed.  I worked the following morning at Target, but my knee hurt really bad. I even complained about it to one of my co-workers. Read More

Finding Gobi – Dion Leonard – A Wonderful Tale

Finding Gobi: The true story of a little dog and an incredible journey – Dion Leonard

Dion Leonard and GobiDion Leonard’s  Finding Gobi is the typical boy finds dog, boy loses dog, boy searches for dog, ultimately finds him and brings him home. Only the boy is an ultra- marathoner who races in some of the most grueling races around the globe. And it was at one of those races that Leonard found Gobi. The race was a grueling seven-day 155 mile run that crosses the China’s Gobi Desert. Read More

New Prog Rock from Australia’s Kettlespider – Kettlespider

Kettlespider - Kettlespider

Kettlespider – Kettlespider

So this morning I went on a short quest to find some new prog rock to which to give a listen. My first stop was progstreaming.nl. The first album that I listened to briefly was titled Latitude from a band called Lesior. It was not exactly what I was searching for. So I continued reviewing the albums. Actually, I didn’t go very far because the next self-titled album Kettlespider looked interesting. So I quickly went to Spotify to check it out! Read More