Poets, Philosophers, Workers and Wanderers – Joe Jencks – Gets better with each listen!

Poets, Philosophers, Workers and Wanderers – Joe Jencks

Poets, Philosophers, Workers and Wanderers opens with a terrific song “Let Me Sing You a Song”. And the terrific-ness of the album never stops! The album title s included in the verse of the song. And the song pretty much sums up Jenck’s political philosophy and pretty much mine! Read More

Marked for Life by Emilie Schepp – One of the best of 2016!

marked for life - emelie schepp

Marked for Life – Emelie Schepp

Sometime last month I picked up Emelie Scheep’s book Marked for Revenge. On the cover it said that she was “2016  Swedish Crime Writer of the Year”. I am a fan of Nordic crime writing. That meant there was no way this book was not gong home with me. When I got it home though I discovered that the book was the second book in a trilogy. I decided that there was no sense in reading book two first and then book one so I checked out the first book of the trilogy Marked For Life. I read it first. When I finished it I agreed that the Crime Writer of the Year award was justly deserved. Read More

Blog My Day – EdK Date 24,020 – Workouts, Zoe – Steve Krase’s Blues!

Should've Seen it Coming Steve Krase

My Morning Workout – Master Your Domain

So since it was fairly cool and mostly cloudy this morning, I thought maybe I would run. But when I got up and started to move around I noticed a pain in my left calf.  The pain made me contemplate not running. So even though I was thinking about not running, I exercise as if I was going to run. Read More

Crank Up Should’ve Seen It Coming by Blues Harpist Steve Krase for a Good Time!

Should've Seen it Coming Steve Krase

Steve Krase – Should’ve Seen It Coming

I first encountered the blues harp and rockin’ music of Houston’s blues harpist Steve Krase a few years ago.At that time, he had just release his second album Buckle Up. The title of my post was  “Steve Krase Buckle Up – for a rockin’ blues ride!!’  I wrote that title because it perfectly fit Buckle Up. The great thing for fans of Steve Krase is that the title fits his current release Should’ve Seen It Coming just right too! Here’s some press about the new album! Read More

My Morning Workout – July 2 & 3 2017

My Morning Workouts – July 2 and 3 2017

We went to the Jersey shore yesterday for a small family gathering ( no beach) Just the way I like it! Anyway as a result I didn’t get to run. I did get in an abbreviated morning workout though. I did the first twenty two minutes of my 60 minute workout. The routine included  a 4 minutes dance cardio warm up and a tabata routine was made up of…. Read More

Blog My Day – EdK Date – 24,016 – July 1, 2017

Edk's Life Safari Blog and other blogs

Coming Soon –  A New and Improved EdK’s Life Safari Blog

Ok so I haven’t posted anything for many days now. One of the reasons is that I have been working on cleaning up my account at Bluehost.com. It seems that I have, during the course of my blogging, created too many sites and files. As a result I am causing problems with their server. So I have spent the last two weeks or so reorganizing files, deleting sites i an effot to  get down to the file level , requested by Bluehost. I think that I am finally there. If not I am really close. Read More

A Very Strong Second Comeback Run Minus the Music

How could I not run on Global Runnig Day!

Ok so last night was my second comeback run and my second run of the week. The last one was ok and there has been no major pain. just the normal little soreness you can expect after not running for a while. I decided that I would run a route that is a little over 3 miles long. It is a loop run with only one small hill near the end of the run. Read More