A Great Trip to Cabbagetown with Delta Moon

Cabbagetwon - Deltoa Moon

Cabbagetown Another Winner from Delta Moon

In accordance with my plan to listen to more music, I put several Americana albums in the iPhone on Monday night. In addition listening to Americana this week Is consistent with my plans . I planned to explore Americana music ( folk, blues, bluegrass and alt-country) during the first week of each month. Anyway, I the Americana albums I picked include:  two blues, two bluegrass albums and one folk album. Read More

Five Ways to Get More Music in My Day!

Five Ways to Re-Ignite My Music Listening

I love a variety of music and for several years I’ve blogged about the music I listen to. But lately that has not been the case. So the question of the day is how can I  get back to listening and writing about music?  When I gave the question some thought,  I came up with five ways to get re-ignite my music listening by getting more music into my daily life….. Read More

AM Workout: Tabata with Meditation Music From Nathan Speir

Part of a Kindly Plan - Nathan Speir

A Tabata Workout Followed by the peaceful music of Nathan Speir

This morning I really did not feel like doing a full 60 minute workout. I seriously considered only doing a light yoga workout. But the. I thought maybe a short 20 minute Tabata workout. So I created one on the workout app that I use. It consisted of 8 – 20 second intervals followed by 10 second rest of the following Read More

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue (s) Playlist – Part Two

Playlist Part 2  – Something Borrowed, Something Blue(s)

Starts with Something Borrowed – Tom Russell –  Play One More:The Songs of Ian & Sylvia

Yesterday, I posted the first half of my Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue (s)Playlist. You can read about it here. The second half of my playlist starts with “Something Borrowed”. What was borrowed were the songs that comprise the latest release from.Tom Russell. Russell borrowed twelve songs from Ian and Sylvia Tyson for an album aptly titled Play One More: The Songs  of Ian and Sylvia. According to his website….. Read More

Book Reviews for the Last Two Books I’ve Read in May 2017.

At Ropes End - Edward KAy

Book Reviews -Books 22 and 23 for 2017 – At Rope’s End and The Collapsing Empire

So my last two reads were just slightly different. The first At Rooe’s End was a typical mystery with a police detective and a forensic psychologist chasing a serial killer. The second The Collapsing Empire was a great science fiction book about the plight of the Interdependency. The one thing that they do have in common is that they are both the first book in a new series. Read More