This Date in History – November 3, 1816 – Confederate General Jubal A. Early was born! July 1864 Early's Troops head toward Washington!
So through the years, even though I was not a fan of the Confederacy, because of the slavery issue, I have been more fascinated and interested in its generals than those of the north. Most of the biographies that I have read about Civil War generals have been about Confederate Generals, like Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson, JEB Stuart and the General whose birthday it is today Jubal Anderson Early who would have been 198 years young today, if not for climate change after Noah’s Flood (Pat Robertson: People Don’t Live To Be 950 Anymore Because Of Climate Change. Right! Anyway, Early served first under Stonewall Jackson and then Robert E Lee. He rose from regimental command to lieutenant-general and the command of an infantry corps in the Army of Northern Virginia From me the most interesting event in the War that Early took part in was in the summer and fall of 1864 in the Valley Campaigns….. from Wikipedia: