Blues with New Orleans Flavor from the Royal Southern Brotherhood – HeartSoulBlood

HeartSoulBloodOne of the albums that has been in my music rotation this week is the new album HeartSoulBlood from the Royal Southern Brotherhood. This is the second release from the Brotherhood following their 2012 self-titled debut album. The Royal Southern Brotherhood is composed of Devon Allman, Cyril Neville, Mike Zito, Charlie Wooten,and Yonrico Scott. Of the five both Devon Allman and Mike Zito’s solo work, appear in my music library.Both of these albums and their 2013 release a live album titled Songs from the Road have been released on Ruf Records with the legendary Jim Gaines serving as the producer.

This morning I listened to some tracks from the Brotherhoods first album and Mike Zito’s album GreyHound and as expected it was time well spent. I think that the following quote sums up the music of the Royal Southern Brotherhood pretty well……

Royal Southern Brotherhood“The music these men make together draws on their richly various experience—funk, blues, hard rock, reggae—as individual artists, but it’s blended into a single tightly focused form of timeless Southern expression known as blues-rock, and they play the living hell out of it.” – John Sinclair

So check them out!! Here’s the band performing one of my favorite tracks from HeartSoulBlood “Rock and Roll”. The song got me movin’ at the beginning of my last run! Happy Saturday!

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