A Beautiful Corpse – Christi Daugherty

A Beautiful Corpse - Christi Daugherty205
A Beautiful Corpse – Christi Daugherty (Book #2 – Harper McClain)

A Beautiful Corpse is the second book in Christi Daugherty’s series featuring newspaper crime reporter Harper McClain. I read the first book in the series The Echo Killing earlier this year. Both were really, really good. In both books the murders that form the core of the book have a connection to Harper. In The Echo Killing the murder eerily resembles her mother’s unsolved murder. While in A Beautiful Corpse the victim Naomi Scott a law student tends bar in an establishment that Harper frequents and where her best friend works. Read More

The Disappearing – Lori Roy – Edgar Worthy!

The Disappearing - Lori Roy
The Disappearing – Lori Roy

Lori Roy’s first novel Bent Road was published in 2011. In 2012 it won an Edgar Award for best first novel. Lori’s third book Let Me Die in His Footsteps was published in 2015. It won an Edgar for Best Novel in 2016. That win made Lori thee first woman to win An Edgar Allen Poe Award for both  Best First Novel and Best Novel. She’s only the third person to do it overall! Read More

Eighteen Below – Stefan Ahnhem – A Cut Above!

Eighteen Below - Stefan Ahnhem

Well I didn’t do badly in writing in January,  it over the last week I have been slipping behind. Here’s a short post to try to catch up a little.

Eighteen Below – Stefan Ahnhem (Fabian Risk #3)

Yesterday, I finished my second read for February. It was Eighteen Below by Stefan Ahnhem. It is the third book in the Fabian Risk series. I read books one and two Victim without a Face and The Ninth Grave In 2018. The series has quickly become one of my favorites. Read More

The Mourners – Bill Pronzini (Nameless Detective #30)

The Mourners - Bill Pronzini

The Mourners – Bill Pronzini – (Nameless Detective # 30)

So when you read your fifteenth book in a mystery series, one would think that you have read most of the books in that series. That unless the author of the series is grandmaster Bill Pronzini and the series is his “Nameless Detective” series. The first book in the series was released in 1971! The total number of books in the series now stands at 40! Yikes, I haven’t even read half of the books! Read More

Steve Hamilton’s Alex McKnight is Back!! Yeah!

Steve Hamilton - Dead Man Running
Books From Two Favorite Authors – Steve Hamilton and William Kent Krueger Arrive!

Back in July, I wrote a post to both remind myself and to let readers know that books from three of my favorite authors were being releasedt in August. The three authors,whose books were being released on August 21st, were Karin Slaughter, William Kent Krueger and Steve Hamilton. Read More