The Human Division -The Worlds of the Old Man’s War Series – John Scalzi

The Worlds of  Old Man’s War Series – John Scalzi

So the other day I finished the first book in my Other World’s Reading Challenge. The world that I visited or should I say “revisited” was the world that John Scalzi has created in his “Old Man’s War” series. The book that I read was The Human Division. It is book five in the series. Read More

Don’t Look For Me – Mason Cross (Carter Blake #4)

Don't Look For Me - Mason Cross

Carter Blake finds people who don’t want anyone to find them. For the last six years he  has  been one of those people. The reason why, revolves around Blake’s last days in the secret organization  known as Winterlong. During those last days an American Senator was assassinated and Blake became the prime suspect. In those final days the  Blake contacted his girlfriend Carol Langford and told her that for her safety she needed to go into hiding, too. When she finally decided on that course of action, she sent Blake a four-word note – “ Don’t Look for Me” and for six years he hasn’t! Read More

The Sinister Pig – Tony Hillerman – Another Visit with an Old Favorite

The Sinister Pig - Tony Hillerman

Another The Sinister Pig – Tony Hillerman 

So I have read almost all of the books in the Jim Chee – Joe Leaphorn series. However, the last Tony Hillerman  book I read was in 2000, when I read  Hunting  Badger (Book #14)!The Sinister Pig (Book #16) in the series has probably been on my bookshelves unread for about 5 years or more. Since one of my reading challenges for 2018 is to read 25 books that are on my TBR shelves and specifically books from series that I have not read for years, choosing The Sinister Pig was a no-brainer. Read More

The Shadow District Begins a New Series from Arnaldur Indridason

The Shadow District- Arnaldur Indridason

The Shadow District – Reykjavik Wartime Mystery #1

The Shadow District by Arnaldur Indridason is book one in his new Reykjavik Wartime Mystery series.

Indridason is the author of the excellent Detective Erlender series. However, I must admit that while I have loved the series books I have read, I have fallen behind in the series. As a result, I often forget about the series. Can out say once again “too many books too little time”. Read More