Category: By Genre
Loner by Hildur Sif Thorarensen. Everything You’d Want in a Nordic Mystery!
Steve Hamilton’s Alex McKnight is Back!! Yeah!
Books From Two Favorite Authors – Steve Hamilton and William Kent Krueger Arrive!
Back in July, I wrote a post to both remind myself and to let readers know that books from three of my favorite authors were being releasedt in August. The three authors,whose books were being released on August 21st, were Karin Slaughter, William Kent Krueger and Steve Hamilton.
Book 2 – Other Worlds Reading Challenge – Way Station – Clifford D Simak
The Human Division -The Worlds of the Old Man’s War Series – John Scalzi
The Worlds of Old Man’s War Series – John Scalzi
So the other day I finished the first book in my Other World’s Reading Challenge. The world that I visited or should I say “revisited” was the world that John Scalzi has created in his “Old Man’s War” series. The book that I read was The Human Division. It is book five in the series.
Michael Koryta’s How It Happened is a Winner!
Don’t Look For Me – Mason Cross (Carter Blake #4)
Carter Blake finds people who don’t want anyone to find them. For the last six years he has been one of those people. The reason why, revolves around Blake’s last days in the secret organization known as Winterlong. During those last days an American Senator was assassinated and Blake became the prime suspect. In those final days the Blake contacted his girlfriend Carol Langford and told her that for her safety she needed to go into hiding, too. When she finally decided on that course of action, she sent Blake a four-word note – “ Don’t Look for Me” and for six years he hasn’t!
Reading Update and Ward Larsen’s Cutting Edge
Victim Without a Face – Stefan Ahnhem is a Winner!
Victim Without a Face – Stefan Ahnhem
Victim Without a Face is the first book in the Fabian Risk series from Swedish writer Stefan Ahnhem. I stumbled across this series when I was in the library last week.I found it was, when I was looking through the new releases, and the book , The 9th Grave caught my eye.