Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America…

Democracy in Chains - Nancy MacLean

If You Want to Understand the Roots of Our Current Political Situation – Read this Book!

Over the last few weeks I am finding it more and more difficult to post. Again I haven’t stopped reading, listening or exercising just that when I sit down to write a post, I get distracted and pick up a book or good do something else. Anyway I just finished book 9 of 2017. The following read though is for book 7. Hopefully, if I can get myself focused and motivated reviews for book  8 Parting Shot by Linwood Barclay and book 9 Descent by Tim Johnston, will follow shortly. Read More

Shadow of Death – Wiliam G Tapply – EKK Returns to an Old Favorite

Shadow of Death - Wiliam G Tapply

Shadow of Death (Brady Coyne #21)  – William G Tapply

Ok so here we are in February and I still have not formalized my 2018 Reading Challenges. The only thing that I do know is my goal is to read 65 books in 2018. Additionally I want at least 25 of them to come from my “to be read bookshelves” I’m actually close to having everything worked out and should be able to post the formal challenges this week. Read More

The Demon Crown – Science, History and Action Collide!

The Demon Crown - James Rollins

The Demon Crown – James Rollins  Sigma Force #13

The Demon Crown is  Book # 13 in the Sigma Force series from James Rollins. I think  it just may be the best book in the series.  I have written before that I love books that not only are good stories, but also teach me something new. Well, James Rollins does that just about as well as anyone writing today. Read More

Shut Your Eyes Tight – John Verdon

Shut Your Eyes Tight - John Verdon

Shut Your Eyes Tight – John Verdon

So yesterday I did it. I reached what I thought was an unreachable goal. When I finished Shut Your Eyes Tight by John Verdon, I reached my goal of reading 60 books in 2017!

Shut Your Eyes Tight by John Verdon is the second book in his Dave Guerney series. The main character in the book, Dave  Guerney, is a retired New York City homicide detective. He is a gifted detective and is the most decorated detective in NYPD history. Read More

Assassin’s Code – Ward Larsen – Slaton v. Terrorists – in France

Assassin’s Code -Ward Larsen (David Slaton #4)

The other day Assassin’s Code by Ward Larsen became the 59th book I have read this year. That leaves only one more book to read before the end of the year to reach my goal of 60 books read!  It is also the third David Slaton novel I have read this year. Previously, I read Assassin’s Game and Assassin’s Silence in February and March respectively. All three have been terrific reads. Read More

Finding Gobi – Dion Leonard – A Wonderful Tale

Finding Gobi: The true story of a little dog and an incredible journey – Dion Leonard

Dion Leonard and GobiDion Leonard’s  Finding Gobi is the typical boy finds dog, boy loses dog, boy searches for dog, ultimately finds him and brings him home. Only the boy is an ultra- marathoner who races in some of the most grueling races around the globe. And it was at one of those races that Leonard found Gobi. The race was a grueling seven-day 155 mile run that crosses the China’s Gobi Desert. Read More

The Secrets She Keeps a Stand-Out Stand Alone from Michael Robotham

The Secrets She Keeps – Michael Robotham

Ever since I read Suspect book one in the Joe O’Loughlin series from Michael Robotham I have been a fan. The Secrets She Keeps Robotham’s fourth stand alone novel only increased my love for his books.  His three other stand alone books are The Night Ferry, Life or Death, and Bombproof. Bombproof is the only one of the four I have not read yet! Boo me! Read More