Yesterday in Jazz: – Oct 20, 1934 – Eddie Harris was born!

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Eddie HarrisSo the more I investigate the world of jazz music, I have come to the realization that what I know is like the tip of the iceberg, and there’s a whole lotta of iceberg below that tip!!  Like yesterday, it was Eddie Harris’ birthday, now I can’t fault myself for not knowing that it was his birthday, that may only be known to his most ardent fans. But I really should know more than his name and he is a jazz artist. When I read that he had a hit with his cover of the theme from Exodus, that sounded kind of familiar! But not really enough to say know Eddie Harris….. Read More

A Night of Exploration – Contemporary Jazz Trumpeters!

When the Heart Emerges GlisteningSo as a follow-up to listening yesterday to the music of Christian McBride, last night and today I explored the music of some of his jazz contemporaries. Today’s focus has been mainly on trumpeters. Typically, if I’m listening to the trumpet the musician is usually Miles Davis, Chet Baker, or Freddie Hubbard with Blue Mitchell occasionally thrown into the mix. Somehow last night I ended up on MOG checking out the music of  Ambrose Akinmusire  and his debut release on Blue Note,  When the Heart Emerges Glistening. Here’s what Jeff Tamarkin  at AllMusic writes about the album: Read More

A Jazzy Night with Music from Blue, Wynton and Hank and friends!!

Soul StationSo tonight I turned the sound down on the Phillies game and turned up the stereo and spent a jazzy Saturday night listening to albums from  Blue Mitchell, Wynton Kelly, and Hank Mobley. Of the three Hank Mobley is the musician I know the least about, but his album Soul Station was my favorite of the evening. The link between the three albums is the piano artistry of Wynton Kelly. Read More

Nighttime Jazz – Freddie Hubbard – Open Sesame – (1960)

Open SesameSo not that long ago I lied, and said that the focus of my musical listening was going to be jazz and New Age,  since then I don’t think I’ve really written about either genre! That doesn’t mean that I haven’t been listening to artists in those genres because I have, I just haven’t written about them yet. One of the albums that I’ve been listening to is the début album of Freddie Hubbard Open Sesame  which was released way back in 1960, when Freddie was 22 years old. I listened to this album because it was on a list of essential albums. It’s not like I haven’t listened to and enjoyed Freddie’s trumpet before, because I have, music from when he was a teenager and was playing with the Montgomery Brothers in and around Indianapolis, Echoes of Indiana Avenue. Read More