Today in Music – 1919 – Another Great Drummer was born Mr. Art Blakey!

Art BlakeyOn this date in 1919, the great drummer Art Blakey was born I’ve only become an Art Blakey fan in the last several years. The happened because many, many times, when I was listening to jazz on the radio I’d hear something great that had some fine drums on it and then when the song was over I’d hear that it was Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers!! So I decided that I better check out their music and now several of Blakey’s albums are in my music library!! So before we hear some music, let;s find out a little more about the man from Wikipedia: Read More

Today in Music – 1940 – Jazz Organist Larry Young was born!

Larry YoungOn this day in 1940 jazz organist Larry Young was born. I was unfamiliar with Young’s music until recently. That may have been a result of his early passing. Young died in 1978, after entering the hospital with stomach pains, he died from untreated pneumonia However, after reading some of the information below I did hear his music back in the day, when he played on Miles Davis’ Bitches Brew and also playing  in Tony Williams’ Lifetime .  From Wikipedia: Read More

Today in Music – 1948 – Happy Birthday, Duke Robillard!!

Duke RobillardAfter reviewing a couple of the birthday lists, that I usually check in the morning, I didn’t see any names that really caught my attention, so I decided that I’d search for any “today in jazz'” birthday sites. I found a list at All About Jazz and as I scrolled down the list there weren’t many names that I recognized (Can anyone tell me if there’s someone I should check out on the list) until I arrived at the Ds and there I saw blues guitarist Duke Robillard‘s name! Now you may say what’s a blues artist doing on a list of jazz musicians. Well that’s because Duke’s music ofttimes resides in that common ground that jazz and blues share! From Wikipedia: Read More

Today in Music – 1917 – Buddy Rich was born!!

Buddy RichThrough the years very few of the jazz artists that I followed were drummers. I have a couple of Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers albums in my library. Today we can celebrate the drummer, who most folks feel is the best drummer of all-time. Bernard “Buddy” Rich was born on September 30, 1917 in Manhattan, New York, to Jewish vaudevillians Bess (Skolnik) and Robert Rich. Rich was billed as “the world’s greatest drummer”! He was known for his virtuoso technique, power, groove, and speed. According to Wikipedia: Read More