2013 Blues – Austin Young and No Difference – Blue as Blue Can Be!

Blue as Blue can eOh, to be seventeen years old and as talented as Austin Young. The young Colorado Blues musician has a long and stellar career ahead of him if his 2013 release, Blue as Blue Can Be is any kind of indicator!! I’m not exactly sure where I came across his name, hum, it may have been last weeks, New Releases Now newsletter, but wherever I saw it I’m glad I did because the album is flat-out terrific as are Young’s guitar playing and his vocals. Read More

Morning Blues Rock from Mile Train!!

I'd Rather Feel adSo this yesterday the album, Folksongs of the American Longhair, by Brother Dege was listed on my Just For You on Mog. It was listed because I recently listened to US Rails. Since the cover looked interesting, mostly because brother was holding a dobro , I gave it a listen and I really liked it. After the album finished, a mix of similar artist came, as I listened I thought I like that track and that one after a few tracks I looked to see the artists. The list included bands I never heard of including: Mile Train, Devil’s Hollow and Cashbox. After a few more tracks, I switched to the full albums for each of these artists, and I think I’ll be adding some new artists to my library. Read More

Today in Music – Birthdays for James Cotton (1935) and Willie Dixon (1915)

Willie DixonToday we celebrate the birthdays of two of the most influential blues artists of all time, one for his artistry with his instrument and the other, while a good musician, for his influential songwriting! The first is blues harpist James Cotton born on this date in 1935 and the second the legendary Willie Dixon (July 1, 1915 – January 29, 1992)! Now some of you may not remember or know Willie Dixon, but he was an unbelievably good songwriter and his compositions include: “Little Red Rooster”, “Hoochie Coochie Man”, “Spoonful”, “Back Door Man”, “I Just Want to Make Love to You”, “My Babe”, “Wang Dang Doodle”, and “I Can’t Quit You Baby”…a few of the artist who recorded his music includes:  Bob Dylan, Cream, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and The Rolling Stones not bad, eh?  From Wikipedia: Read More

2013 Blues – King King – Standing in the Shadows

Standing in the ShadowsSo it’s always pretty neat when I listen to an album, like I did with Standing in the Shadows from the blues band King King, are blown away, and then go to their website and read that they were the winners of the Best Band & Best Album at the British Blues 2012 Awards!! They are also Winners of ‘Best Band’ & ‘Best Album’ – Blues Matters Writers Poll in 2011!! Hailing from Glasgow King King is fronted by guitarist Alan Nimmo, formerly of the award-winning Nimmo Brothers. As I listened to the album, I heard tracks that went from all out blues ballads to funky blues… from the band’s Facebook page.. Read More

Blues from 2004 – Dave Specter and Steve Freund – Is What It Is!

Steve Freund and Dave SpecterSo I first became aware of blues guitarist Dave Specter a few years ago, when I listened to his album Live in Chicago. It’s been on the iPod and when songs come up on random shuffle, I’m always thinking about how much I like his work! Anyway, his guitar can be heard on a couple of albums that I’ve been listening to lately, one is a new one from harmonica player Al Miller ..In Between Time and the other Knockin’ Around These Blues with John Primer and Bob Corritore, both good albums. Well, somewhere in the last week or so, I came across another Chicago Bluesman Steve Freund and his latest release Come On In this House and I’ve been listening to it since then. When I was looking for Freund’s album on MOG, I also saw that Specter and Freund had released an album together back in 2004, titled Is What it Is. So I gave that a listen , too. What do they say, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In this case it’s two guitars are better than one, as friends Steve Freund and his former pupil Dave Specter, join together for a really fabulous album (IMHO). From the Delmark press release for the album: Read More

Today in Music – 1977 – Kenny Wayne Sheppard’s Birthday!

Kenny Wayne Sheppard2

Ok this is the third time, I have tried to write this post today!!

Today is the 36th birthday of blues guitar great Kenny Wayne Sheppard. I first heard Kenny Wayne’s name way back, well maybe not way back, but back in 1995, when as an 18 year-old he released his first album Ledbetter Heights. Like many in the blues and rock worlds, I was blown away by the album and Sheppard’s playing!! When his second album Trouble Is… came out, I went out and quickly picked it up! I didn’t like that album as much as the first one, particularly the vocals…. Here’s what Allmusic says about the album…. Read More