New Challenge – The 30-day New Musician Challenge

Hot Mallets - Isla Eckinger

The other day, one of the new challenges that I thought I could initiate was the following. The 30-day New Musician Challenge. Each day during the challenge I will search Spotify for a musician whose music I have never heard. Ok so that really doesn’t sound very much different from what I normally do does it? Well, maybe it doesn’t but what the challenge does it gives me some structure something that I can do every day on a regular basis, well, at least for 30 days! Read More

Ed Romanoff’s Self-titled Debut Album is a Winner

Originally Posted at FreeWheelin’ Music Safari – Aug 12, 2012

Ed Romanoff – Ed Romanoff

.So when I listened to “St. Vincent De Paul.” the first track on Ed Romanoff‘s self-titled debut album for the second time on my four mile run tonight, it reminded me of Mary Gauthier‘s album The Foundling. Wait you listened to the song twice! I thought this album must be very short! But,  no the run was really long! The  ten track album clocks in at about 40 minutes, at which point, I was still a little way from my finish and was struggling along at about 11 minute per mile pace Read More

The Cage by Bob Holroyd – Let’s Everything In!

The Cage - Bob Holroyd

The Cage – Bob Holroyd -U.K. Multinstrumentalist

Sometimes an album just strikes the right chord with you! Such is the case with The Cage the new release from U.K. master sound manipulator and musical space-shaper Bob Holroyd. The first time I listened to the album, I knew it was for me. Subsequently it has been the soundtrack for my morning yoga and meditations. And every time  I listen to it I hear something new! Read More

From New Age Piano to Blues – How Many Genres Does Your Music Listening Cross?

Thoughts About My Music Listening

Ok so this morning as I was writing my morning post I listened to Ann Sweeten’s 2016 release Where Butterflies Dance. The album is an album full of beautiful piano music. That album must have finished, before I was done writing because when I went back to Spotify, after finishing writing my post, a different piano artist’s music was playing! Read More

A Good Workout, a Good Run with Great Blues from Laurie Morvan.

Gravity - Laurie Morvan

Okay so I will find out today if I over did it yesterday How you ask? Well maybe you didn’t ask or even want to know how. But I am going to tell you anyway!

The Morning Workout

It all started with my morning workout. It was intended to be a 46 minute workout using just about every piece of workout equipment I own. At the start of the workout I was feeling pretty good so I was moving a little quicker than normal and that continued throughout the workout. Read More

A Walk/Jog with a New Fitness Tracker and A New Album from Day Six!

Solitary League - Day Six

So last week I was searching on Amazon for fitness trackers. The main problem was that I wanted a tracker that had a heart rate monitor and didn’t cost an arm and a leg. I discovered the Letscom Smart Bracelet. It does just about everything my Fitbit Charge HR does (except count floors) and does it for around $ 27.00. Read More

Edward Discovers the Retro Rock of Sweden’s Siena Root!

A Dream of Lasting Peace - Siena Root

Siena Roots Does Music the 60s and 70s Way and I Like It!

Yesterday,I was doing some organizing in my room, so I turned on Spotify. When I did a song titled “The Piper Won’t let You Stay” was playing. The longer I listened the more I thought,”Hey, I like this”  And when I heard the organ solos, I knew I liked it! The song was from an album released in 2017 titled A Dream of Lasting Peace from a band named Siena Root. Read More