Avalon Ballroom: Quicksilver August 1967 leads to “Duncan & Brady”

Quicksilver Messenger Service Plays the Avalon Ballroom  August 17  – 20, 1967 leads to “Duncan and Brady”

Back when I started this blog way back in 2010 my yearly wall calendar r was Rock Roots: Avalon Ballroom Posters 1966-1967. The calendar has twelve classic posters advertising concerts at the Avalon Ballroom during those years. For each month it also lists how was playing at the Ballroom on the various days of the month For me it was a great calendar and I still like looking at it, which is what I did yesterday (August 19) when we came home from vacation. Read More

Poets, Philosophers, Workers and Wanderers – Joe Jencks – Gets better with each listen!

Poets, Philosophers, Workers and Wanderers – Joe Jencks

Poets, Philosophers, Workers and Wanderers opens with a terrific song “Let Me Sing You a Song”. And the terrific-ness of the album never stops! The album title s included in the verse of the song. And the song pretty much sums up Jenck’s political philosophy and pretty much mine! Read More

Blog My Day – EdK Date 24,020 – Workouts, Zoe – Steve Krase’s Blues!

Should've Seen it Coming Steve Krase

My Morning Workout – Master Your Domain

So since it was fairly cool and mostly cloudy this morning, I thought maybe I would run. But when I got up and started to move around I noticed a pain in my left calf.  The pain made me contemplate not running. So even though I was thinking about not running, I exercise as if I was going to run. Read More

Crank Up Should’ve Seen It Coming by Blues Harpist Steve Krase for a Good Time!

Should've Seen it Coming Steve Krase

Steve Krase – Should’ve Seen It Coming

I first encountered the blues harp and rockin’ music of Houston’s blues harpist Steve Krase a few years ago.At that time, he had just release his second album Buckle Up. The title of my post was  “Steve Krase Buckle Up – for a rockin’ blues ride!!’  I wrote that title because it perfectly fit Buckle Up. The great thing for fans of Steve Krase is that the title fits his current release Should’ve Seen It Coming just right too! Here’s some press about the new album! Read More

A Great Trip to Cabbagetown with Delta Moon

Cabbagetwon - Deltoa Moon

Cabbagetown Another Winner from Delta Moon

In accordance with my plan to listen to more music, I put several Americana albums in the iPhone on Monday night. In addition listening to Americana this week Is consistent with my plans . I planned to explore Americana music ( folk, blues, bluegrass and alt-country) during the first week of each month. Anyway, I the Americana albums I picked include:  two blues, two bluegrass albums and one folk album. Read More

Five Ways to Get More Music in My Day!

Five Ways to Re-Ignite My Music Listening

I love a variety of music and for several years I’ve blogged about the music I listen to. But lately that has not been the case. So the question of the day is how can I  get back to listening and writing about music?  When I gave the question some thought,  I came up with five ways to get re-ignite my music listening by getting more music into my daily life….. Read More

AM Workout: Tabata with Meditation Music From Nathan Speir

Part of a Kindly Plan - Nathan Speir

A Tabata Workout Followed by the peaceful music of Nathan Speir

This morning I really did not feel like doing a full 60 minute workout. I seriously considered only doing a light yoga workout. But the. I thought maybe a short 20 minute Tabata workout. So I created one on the workout app that I use. It consisted of 8 – 20 second intervals followed by 10 second rest of the following Read More