Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue (s) Playlist – Part Two

Playlist Part 2  – Something Borrowed, Something Blue(s)

Starts with Something Borrowed – Tom Russell –  Play One More:The Songs of Ian & Sylvia

Yesterday, I posted the first half of my Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue (s)Playlist. You can read about it here. The second half of my playlist starts with “Something Borrowed”. What was borrowed were the songs that comprise the latest release from.Tom Russell. Russell borrowed twelve songs from Ian and Sylvia Tyson for an album aptly titled Play One More: The Songs  of Ian and Sylvia. According to his website….. Read More

A Night of Native American Flute Music

From Six of My Favorite Native American Flute Players

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R Carlos Nakai – Canyon Trilogy, Emergence, Feather, Stone and Light

R. Carlos Nakai‘s music leads off and ends this playlist. He is my favorite Native American flute player. The three albums that I have taken tracks from are among my favorites. They have all been soundtracks for yoga exercising and also helped to keep me sane during stressful times at work. What I really like about Nakai’s music is that he is alwaus changing things up. Some albums are solo, some are with Will Clipman and William Eaton. I have several of the albums that he recorded with pianist Peter Kater. Read More

A Great Trip to Tunes Used CD Store!

Five New Albums to Add to My Music Library from Tunes Used CD Store

Yesterday in the post re-introducing Me, Myself, Music and Mysteries I wrote that previously I had found a lot of music at Tunes in Marlton, NJ.That action reminded me that I still had a $15.00 Gift Card to Tunes that my son Peter had given me about a year ago. So…. after finishing the post and no Eagles game to watch I decided to make a trip to Tunes. I really haven’t been to Tunes much since my kids have grown and online music sources like Rhapsody and Spotify have come into existence.It’s really a lot easier to check out new music from the comfort of your own house. Read More

Joanna Connor – Six String Stories.

Six String Stories – Joanna Connor –  The Best Blues of 2016?

A couple of weeks ago, I spotted an album titled Six String Stories on the Roots Music Report Blues Chart. The artist was Joanna Connor. Since the title of the album was interesting and I had never heard of Ms. Connor, I went to Spotify and gave it a quick listen. Wow! It sounded great! But then my ADD kicked in and I was soon off listening to other albums and Six String Stories was set aside. Read More