Nick Schnebelen – What Key is Trouble In? Powers a Great Run

Nick Schnebelen - What Key Is Trouble In? Cover
Ok so I have been moving forward in many ways and also feeling my age (71) in others. I have been moving forward in my battle with my ADHD, as I try to do more thing that I’ve thought about doing. While doing others when I think about them, rather than putting them off ! And so far it’s working! One of those things I didn’t  put off was this morning’s run! Read More

Paul Siebel – Looking Back at Woodsmoke & Oranges

Paul Siebel - Woodsmoke & Oranges

Continuing with yesterday‘s thread on the Facebook Record Collectors Group, I have Paul Siebel‘s album Woodsmoke & Oranges spinning on my turntable tonight. I bought the album, when it first came out in 1970, based on the glowing review about the album I read in some music magazine. Additionally I may have been convinced to buy the album, when I saw that the following musicians played in the album… Read More

Looking Back: Jimmie Spheeris – Isle of View

Isle of View - Ji,,ie Spheeris

Ok so today on the Record Collectors Facebook  Group a member asked people to dig into their collection and post an album that is  unknown and/or obscure. Well, I have many vinyl albums that fit that description! And many more CDs that do also! However the album I decided to listen to and write about is the debut album from singer-songwriter Jimmie Spheeris Isle  of View. (Say it three or more times fast). Anyway the album has been one of my favorite quiet night albums since I bought in in the early 70s! However, I think Jimmie’s music has largely been forgotten because his career was cut short by a tragic accident. From Wikipedia… Read More

Grant Dermody – Behind the Sun. Great Blues Harp!

GRant Dermody - Behind the Sun

Over the last month or so there have been three blues albums in my music rotation. Each features a great blues harmonica players. The  albums are the latest release from: Bob Corritore, The Dig Three and Grant Dermody. I am going to start the discussion of these albums with Behind the Sun. The latest album from singer, songwriter and acclaimed harmonica player Grant Dermody. Read More

Stillhouse Junkies – Small Towns

Small Towns - Stillhouse Junkies Cover

Stillhouse Junkies – Small Towns

Since this week’s theme is “It’s been a long time”, the first Roots Music charts I looked at this week we’re the Folk and Bluegrass Charts. Those charts along with the Folk DJ and Euro-Americana charts were where I found most of the new music I liked. However over the last several years, I have listened to more Blues, Jazz and New Age music. One of the reasons is many of my favorite artists including; Jerry Jeff Walker, Guy Clark, John Prine, Leonard Cohen and Jesse Winchester have passed away and I can’t seem to find replacements for them. Read More

Tom Paxton – Jennifer and Kate Hits Home!

Tom Paxton-Comedians and Angels

When I first started  blogging one of the first things I read said to write about what you know. Well I know a lot about things like the soils and geology of New Jersey and the design and operation of septic systems but I don’t think that will interest many people. So I guess I have to continue to write about books and music. Now many times I write about the new music I’m just discovering, not music I know. Well, tonight I’ll write about some music that I DO know that is the music of Tom Paxton. Read More

Catching Up and an LP Haul from The Princeton Record Exchange

Lp haul from The Princeton Record Exchange

So once again I must confess to not wrting many new posts. One of my excuses is I am still trying to fully recover from the ankle sprain that occurred on my May 28th run! In order to facilitate that recovery, for the last several weeks I’ve been going to Physical Theraphy twice a week. Additionally, I’ve been working more at Target.Finally, last week in an attempt to get myself to write more I bought a new laptop. Read More

Ballad of William Worthy – Phil Ochs

Ballad of William Worthy” – A Glimpse at the 60s

So last weekend, we went to the Antique Emporium in Burlington NJ and I browsed through some of the vinyl albums they had for sale. I ended up buying two albums. One was the album Raw Sienna from Savoy Brown. The other was All the News that’s Fit to Sing  from Phil Ochs. Of the two albums I am way more familiar with the Phil Ochs album. Read More

Ballad of William Worthy – Phil Ochs

Ballad of William Worthy” – A Glimpse at the 60s

So last weekend, we went to the Antique Emporium in Burlington NJ and I browsed through some of the vinyl albums they had for sale. I ended up buying two albums. One was the album Raw Sienna from Savoy Brown. The other was All the News that’s Fit to Sing  from Phil Ochs. Of the two albums I am way more familiar with the Phil Ochs album. Read More