Morning Music from The Brothers Comatose on the road in Idaho!

Brothers ComatoseSo I was already to write about my four mile run yesterday, but you know it was pretty uneventful. I felt pretty good through the first 3 miles or so and then struggled through the last mile. It was pretty close to the time that I ran over the same course last week around that 10:40 per mile pace. Wait – did I just tell you about all about my run – well not everything I didn’t tell you about how the soundtrack of the run was Ricky Scaggs and Bruce Hornsby’s new album, Live, or that I wasn’t paying close attention to it because I was again trying to keep my heart rate under control! Read More

The Musicians Train ends with The Rides – Can’t Get Enough!

The RidesSo now if you get to old timers together like Stephen Stills and Barry Goldberg together and they start thinking, hey how about we do an album like Super Session. We’ll get some guys together and just have some fun making music. So how should they round our their little group?…. hum maybe by getting a young Mike Bloomfield which they by adding Kenny Wayne Sheppard to round out their trio!! The result is supergroup of great talented musicians Stephen Stills, Barry Goldberg and Kenny Wayne Sheppard and they call themselves The Rides.  Today I  listened to their new album Can’t Get Enough for the first time – hell it was only released yesterday! Can't Get Enough Read More

The Train of Musicians keeps Chugging along Stills, Kooper, Bloomfield and Goldberg!

Electric FlagSo about a year before Chris Hillman and Gram Parsons were forming The Flying Burrito Brothers, two blues musicians from Chicago went west to form the great American blues band.  The result was the short-lived band The Electric Flag and the album A Long Time Comin’ has always been a favorite of mine. The album introduced me to the music of Mike Bloomfield. From Wikipedia: Read More

Today in Music – 1990 – The Music World loses Stevie Ray Vaughan

So often late on a Friday night, and I’m working at Target, and not feeling particularly chipper, Jerry Jeff Walker’s song “Blue Mood” pops into the jukebox in my head. Well, tonight, as I reviewed the musical events that occurred on this date, the final verse of the song came in loud and clear. Here it is….. 03 Blue Mood clip Yes, on this date 23 years ago, the music world lost one of the best blues guitarist ever, Stevie Ray Vaughan. From Wikipedia: Read More

Trader Joe’s, a Cemetery and a Five-mile Run, Oh My!

BadlandsSo sometimes when I sit down to write a post the words just come out, that does not usually happen on the days that I run! For some reason sometimes running not only gets to me physically, but also mentally as well. Today after a my first five-mile run in a long, long time I am wiped out. It also may be the result of working all day, Friday 8:30-5:00 and then 6:00 to 11:15 and then again last night from 5:30 to 11:15 or a combination of the two!! Read More

A Good Run with a New App and The CD Woodbury Band!

Monday NightSo after two runs last week and then not being able to run this weekend because of Elizabeth’s move, and work at Target, I was determined to run last night. On the last two runs, I had used my work Windows phone and an app called Run the Map. It worked ok but for some reason the phone would only play half of the songs on the album I was listening to, so the headphones came off about mid-way in the run, which actually wasn’t that bad because I was struggling at the end of the runs so I really wasn’t listening, because I was paying attention to my heart rate. Anyway last night I found an app. for my Iphone called Runmeter I haven;’ figured out all the options yet but yesterday it was displaying the pace I was running at the time and my average pace for the run. When I finished  both the total distance of the run and the pace were close to what I had measured the course at and the pace from my heart monitor watch!! Overall the time over about 4.2 miles was 44:38 almost three ,minutes faster than a week ago and the pace was around 10:40 per mile, Not too bad considering that the 12 whole miles I’ve run in August beats the average over the May, June and July by a lot!! Read More

Lunchtime Music: John Mayall, Buddy Guy and Junior Wells – “Messin’ with the Kid”

Junior Wells and uddy GuyOk so this one will be quick, this morning I was looking around for some morning music and came across this dynamite video featuring John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers with Buddy Guy and Junior Wells. Now I have been a fan of John Mayall since the early 70s and Buddy Guy, particularly, some of his more recent stuff, but for some reason I never have gotten into Junior Wells’ music. After watching this video all I can do is shake my head and say – why not!! I think someone needs to check out Mr. Wells’ discography real quick-like! Read More