“Into the Night” with the Swampy Blues of Damon Fowler!

Damon FowlerSo back in 2011 I first heard the swampy blues music of Damon Fowler. It was around the time  of the release of his second album on Blind Pig Records Devil Got His Way. I think that the first week I saw his name on one of the charts Devil Got His Way had not been released yet, so I ended up listening to his début album Sugar Shack,  The following week though, the title  of my post read – Damon Fowler – Devil Got His Way – Added to the Mix! Read More

Today in Music History – 1943 – Happy Birthday Steve Miller!

Steve MillerBorn on this day in 1943, was Steve  Miller aka .”The Gangster of Love”. I became a Steve Miller fan with his second album Sailor and followed his career on vinyl until the album six Rock Love which was released in 1971. I think I had The Joker on 8-track! After that, I followed his career on the radio, until his 2010 and 2011 releases Bingo and Let Your Hair Down, which are both really fine albums! From Steve’s Press Release Biography Read More

Today in Music – 1948 – Happy Birthday, Duke Robillard!!

Duke RobillardAfter reviewing a couple of the birthday lists, that I usually check in the morning, I didn’t see any names that really caught my attention, so I decided that I’d search for any “today in jazz'” birthday sites. I found a list at All About Jazz and as I scrolled down the list there weren’t many names that I recognized (Can anyone tell me if there’s someone I should check out on the list) until I arrived at the Ds and there I saw blues guitarist Duke Robillard‘s name! Now you may say what’s a blues artist doing on a list of jazz musicians. Well that’s because Duke’s music ofttimes resides in that common ground that jazz and blues share! From Wikipedia: Read More

Today in Music – 1950s style – Two Blues Greats! Stevie Ray and Keb’ Mo’

srv OK everybody all together now – whose birthday is it today – what’s that you say?? Keb’ Mo’?? Well, you are correct. He was born in 1951 (a familiar year) but does that look like  Keb’ Mo’, at the top of this post? No it does not! This is Keb’ Mo’, Keb Mo, Of  course the other blues man who was born on this day, but in 1954, is one of the best blues rock musicians, as opposed to the acoustic blues of  Keb’ Mo’, and one of my favorites Stevie Ray Vaughan….from Wikipedia…. Read More

Night Owl Music: The Trip from The Folk Sinner to Sonny Landreth’s “Z Rider”

Sonny Landreth

Ok so Sonny Landreth is one of those musicians whose music is included in my library, but gets lost in the midst of the 18,000 plus tracks  on my iPod! But yesterday, when I paid a visit to YouTube and watched the video that closes this post. I was blown away by Landreth’s slide playing!! Words like you “doofus” and “idiot” came to the forefront of my mind, as I castigated myself for not listening to more of Sonny;s music!! You maybe asking yourself, now., how did he get around to listening to Sonny Landreth yesterday?? Wasn’t he listening to Lee Harvey Osmond’s The Folk Sinner???? Well, even if you didn’t pose that question to yourself, I’m going to tell you the answer anyway!! Read More