On Tuesday of this week the soundtrack for my run was Forest Field’s second release Onwards and
Upwards. According to their website……
- Forest Field is not a band
- Forest Field is a project
- Forest Field is lead by Chinawhite guitarist Peter Cox
- Expect some guests announcements soon…
- The music is a combination of ambient, new age, progressive rock
- with vintage sounds like mellotron, piano and organ
- but also electric and acoustic guitars
- and bass and drums where the song needs it
The project is the child of Chinawhite guitarist Peter Cox of the Netherlands. Onwards and Upwards is a combination of instrumental tracks (odd-numbered) and vocal tracks (the even-numbered ones). Central theme is “it´s not the falling down, it´s the getting up again” (from Stronger)..All of the instruments are played by Cox with the exception of the Native American flute on the song “Hope”. The flute is played by Sue Straw. The vocals are ably provided by Phil Vincent. I knda’ like the instrumental tracks more than the vocal ones, but I really do like Vincent’s vocals, so I guess it’s really a toss-up. Cox is more than able on all the instruments, but I do think that he is at his best when his guitar is soaring through a track!! Read More