A Family Video made for My Cousin – Music “Who Knows Where The Time Goes” – The Strawbs – Sandy Denny

Yesterday was not a good day for a variety of reasons and tonight as I sat at the computer I thought I need some laughs! So I went to Youtube with the intent of finding a funny video and when I got there I got distracted - big surprise there! . Because I found one of my first drafts of a video, I was making for my cousin Marti's 60th birthday party. In the video I used a variety of pictures Marti at various ages along with photos of my father and his brothers Arthur, (Marti's father) and Kenny. I'm in several of the pictures with Marti. I used The Strawbs "Who Knows Where the Time Goes" featuring the vocals of Sandy Denny. when I got done this draft my wife thought it was a little too depressing so I changed the final version.

Remembering Journalist William Worthy (1921-2014) Democracy Now and "The Ballad of William Worthy" – Phil Ochs (videos)

This morning when I went out to run some errands I took the iPod with me and set it on shuffle songs.Phil Ochs' song "The Ballad of William Worthy" came on about in the middle of the trip. Since Mr Worthy died on the 4th of last month (May), I'll take the playing of the song as a sign that I should take a few moments to reflect on the life of a very important journalist that we should all know a little more about!!

Remembering Journalist William Worthy (1921-2014) Democracy Now and “The Ballad of William Worthy” – Phil Ochs (videos)

This morning when I went out to run some errands I took the iPod with me and set it on shuffle songs.Phil Ochs' song "The Ballad of William Worthy" came on about in the middle of the trip. Since Mr Worthy died on the 4th of last month (May), I'll take the playing of the song as a sign that I should take a few moments to reflect on the life of a very important journalist that we should all know a little more about!!

Today's Celebrations – Mother's Day in Sweden, Independence Day in Jordan and Towel Day!!

So this afternoon, when I went to Wikipedia to research jazz trumpeter Wallace Roney, who celebrates his 54th birthday today, my eyes wandered down the Wikipedia main page to check what national holidays were being celebrated today. I saw that……
Mother’s Day is being celebrated in Algeria, France, Morocco and Sweden
First Patriotic Government in Argentina (1810)
Independence Day in Jordan 1946
and Towel Day….


Towel Day 2005, Innsbruck, Austria, where, by his own account, Adams got the inspiration to write the Guide.

Towel Day??? My inquisitive senses are tingling – I hit the link and discovered that the celebration of Towel Day began in 2001, two weeks after the death of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s author Douglas Adams’ on 11 May 2001. The commemoration was started as a way for fans to show their appreciation for both Adams and the books he authored! On the day fans carry towel with them all day. Why a towel?? The importance of a towel is described in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…..
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May 21, 1968 – Last Contact from the USS Scorpion that never returns…..(Phil Ochs Video)

Originally posted at Me, Myself, Music and Mysteries...

Uss_scorpion_SSN589May 21, 1968 the last signals from the United States’ nuclear submarine USS Scorpion were heard. From shortly before midnight on the 20th of May through midnight on the 21st the Scorpion tried to send radio traffic to the Naval Station in Rota Spain, but was only able to reach a Naval communications station in Nea Makri, Greece. These messages were forwarded to SUBPLANT. Six Days later the submarine was reported overdue at Norfolk. Read More

May 20th in Cambodia, East Timor and Cameroon…….Part One – Cambodia – never forget!

Originally posted at Socialstudious.us

Today is a special day in several South East Asian countries In Cambodia it’s the Day of Remembrance. in East Timor they celebrate their country’s 12th year of Independence, and in Indonesia National Awakening Day is celebrated! While across the Indian Ocean and on the west coast of Africa, Cameroon celebrates their National Day.
Ok I can hear all of the collective sighs now, who cares, well me because it gives me a reason to learn somethings I didn’t know about these countries or somethings I’d rather forget about Cambodia, but I guess like remembering the Holocaust it is better to remember. Ok so first let’s look at where in Cambodia is located in southeast Asia…
So there’s Cambodia right in the south central part of the map, with Laos and Thailand along its northern border and Vietnam to the east and southeast. When you look at the map you can readily see why Laos and Cambodia were important for the movement of equipment and men from the north to the south of Vietnam. But back to Cambodia’s Day of Remembrance from Wikipedia…. Read More