The Safari Discovers the Jazz Piano of Helen Sung – Anthem for a New Day – and is happy!

Helen sung 2Some people are born to play jazz and then others find jazz – at a Harry Connick, Jr concert?? Well at least one did! The one that did would be classically trained pianist Helen Sung!! Helen began her classical piano training in her hometown of Houston Texas at the age of five under the watchful eye of a teacher who did it her way and encouraged Helen to only listen to classical music. Helen walked the straight and narrow until that fateful day a friend took her to that Harry Connick, Jr. concert. It was there that Harry played a Tommy Flannagan solo and Helen’s world turned upside-down! She says this about the experience….. Read More

March 30, 2014 – Today’s Reads – The Takers uh the Makers take , Connecticut raises Minimum Wage to Pete Seeger “Which Side Are You On?”

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, tell me again you takers uh. makers. how if we give you lots of tax breaks that the economy will really start rolling and good times will trickle down to all!!Oh yeah right – the last time that happened was when labor unions were strong in the US and you had to pretend to care abo ut the workers – you know the ones you guys left high and dry when you moved their jobs to Asia and south of the border! You know the ones whose jobs you stole and now the jobs they can get don’t pay anywhere near the money they previously made and oh they don’t have any security either — but just like Charlie Brown keeps believing that Lucy isn’t going to pull that football out from under him – we’ll keep believing that you care about your employees….. and our wages will stagnate while you reap big rewards!! Read More

Kathy’s Korner – Photos from My Wife’s Project 365 File Folder!!

So for the last four years or so my wife has participated in Project 365 on Facebook. She would post of picture a day for a year. She took some great pictures. Here are a few from the beginning of last year. The first two are from those snowy days last February, which were nowhere near as cold as the days this year! This year you couldn’t even go out and take pictures!! Read More

A Night for Musical Poetry from Phi Ochs “The Highway Man” and “Changes”!!

So tonight I’m in the mood for a little poetry and that means Phil Ochs’ version of “The Highwayman”!! Here’s a short post from about a year ago!

Phil OchsHere  are  two Phil Ochs’ songs. The first is “The Highwayman” based on the poem by Alfred Noyes, from the program “Come, Read to Me a Poem” which appeared on April 12, 1967. This sad and beautiful poem has always been a favorite, Phil did a great job putting the music to the poem and creating a captivating and sad song! Read More

A Tough Several Days with our cat James that end with a tough but right decision

James in Box

James Loved Boxes!

So i don’t know what the right music is for when you know you have to put a cat to sleep. We have now five cats. Two years ago we had to put our 19-year-old cat Simon to sleep and it was hard. I was doing really well not feeling to badly about the situation with our 10 year-old cat James this week, until this morning, when I faced the prospect of having to call the Vet and make the appointment! Read More

The Date in Music – March 27, 1937 -Texas Blues Guitarist Johnny Copeland was born!!!

Johnny CopelandOn this date, March 27, 1937 Texas blues guitarist and singer and father of Shemekia – Johnny Copeland was born. in Haynesville, Louisiana, about 15 miles south of Magnolia, Arkansas (formerly Texarkana) After his father died, his remaining family moved to Houston.  As a teenager he played at two of the biggest blues venues in Houston – Shay’s Playhouse, where his band The Dukes of Rhythm (formed with Joe “Guitar” Hughes) and the El Dorado ballroom. His recording career started at Mercury Records in 1958 and he recorded and toured around the Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, area until he moved to New York City in 1974. Read More

Meditating with thoughts from Siddhartha – Music from Michael Brant DeMaria…

Last night I decided that I would use Michael Brant DeMaria’s album The River as my yoga meditation music. As I was getting ready to meditate I began thinking about Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha, a book and an author that I loved when I was in college. Didn’t many of us in the 60s and 70s. So I went to Goodreads and read some quotes from the book. Here are a few that I love.. You can read more here Read More

2014 Americana from Grant Peeples and the Peeples Republik – Punishing the Myth!

Punishing the MythThe first album that I listened to today has been on the iPhone for about a week now and this is really the first time that I listened to it all the way through. It’s the latest release from Grant Peeples & the Peeples Republik, Punishing the Myth This is Peeples’ fourth studio release and the third in s row produced by Gurf Morlix. I caught onto Peeples music at Prior Convictions the second Morlix produced album. Read More