The Safari has Adventures in Kali City with Karim Baggili

So yesterday when I visited the World Music Chart Europe and listened to the Number 1 album, I also spied an interesting mix at Number 4. The album was Kali City(featuring Trio Joubran) from Karim Baggili. The countries listed after the title and artist were Belgium and Palestine. I gave the album the thirty-second test which it passed with flying colors. I downloaded it onto the iPhone, and listened to it later in the day. After listening and enjoying the Middle East tinged music, I went to Karim’s website where I discovered, that Karim is Belgian of Jordanian and Yugoslavian descent. He is a self-taught guitarist, who started with the electric guitar and then moved onto the flamenco guitar and the Oud, which he acquired in Jordan. Read More

The Safari Explores the Mixing of a Balkan brass band and a Canadian Guitarist – Devil’s Tale!!

If, how much my feet tap while I am listening to an album is a measure of how much I like an album, then I really must love the number 1 album on the World European Charts Devil’s Tale! Because I do not think that those toes did not stop tapping through the entire length of the album!! The album is a union of a Canadian guitarist Adrian Raso and the Romanian group Fanfare Ciocărlia based on their mutual love of the music of Django Reinhardt. Ok so who are these artists and what have they created first Adrian Raso, from his website….. Read More

It’s Eva Cassidy’s Birthday! Let’s listen to “Fields of Gold” and marvel!

Eva Cassidy (February 2, 1963 – November 2, 1996)

On this day in 1963, Barbara and Hugh Cassidy became the proud parents of a little baby girl, Eva. That little gill who began to sing and play guitar at the age of nine and by the time she was 11 was playing in a local band in and around the suburbs of Washington, D.C.grew up to have one of the my beautiful, soulful voices that I have ever heard. Then in 1996, at the age of 33 she was gone another victim of cancer in Eva’s case the cancer was melanoma. When she died, she was relatvely unknown outside of the Washington DC area. But in the DC area that knew her…. Read More

The Safari goes “into the morning” with some ROCK PROGRESSIVO ITALIANO From Austria’s Three Monks!

So back in October I was searching for the new release from The Three Monks – The Legend of the Holy Circle. I was unsuccessful in my search so I listened instead to their 2010 release Neogothic Progressive Toccatas, which I found different in a good way. They are to say the least unique. Their music falls into the sub-genre of ROCK PROGRESSIVO ITALIANO or RPI according to ProgArchives. They are a pipe-organ based band from Arezzo composed of organist composer Paolo Lazzeri, bassist/engineer Maurizio Bozzi, and drummers Roberto Bichi and Claudio Cuseri. Lazzeri began his musical journey as a prog-rock organist, then left that scene and began to study romantic classical music, both symphonic and for solo organ. So now Lazerri had two main influences the music og composer Julius Reubke and the prog rock of King Crimson and Van der Graff Generator! Read More

Today in Music – Feb 1, 1959 – Ottmar Liebert’s Birthday!!

Ottmar LiebertToday is the birthday of one of my favorite acoustic guitarists Ottmar Liebert. From Wikipedia: Ottmar..

….was born February 1, 1959 in CologneWest Germany to a Chinese-German father and a Hungarian mother. As a child, he spent most of his time traveling throughout Europe and Asia with his family. He began playing classical guitar at 11, and flamenco guitar at 14, after he “found a Flamenco LP in the bargain bin at a local supermarket”.[1] After performing rock music in his native Germany, he moved to the United States and settled in Boston for a few years, performing in various rock clubs.[2] In 1986 Liebert settled in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he began looking to create a new musical sound...Read More Read More

Yesteday in Music – Jan 30, 1957 Happy Birthday, Janiva Magness!!

YeJanvia Magnesssterday Janiva Magness celebrated her 57th birthday. If you do not Janiva is a blues superstar. She was named the Blues Foundation’s B.B. King Entertainer of the Year in 2009, becoming only the second woman, after Koko Taylor, to be so honored. She was also named the Contemporary Blues Female Artist of the Year in that same year! She had won that award in both 2006 and 2007. In 2012 she was nominated for that award again. All ototal since 2006, she has had 22 similar nominations! This year she won the 2013 Blues music Award: for Contemporary Artist of the Year again and her song “I won’t Cry” was song of the Year!! Read More

The Safari Rediscovers Serenity from Austria and visits Death & Legacy!!

Back in October I came across the band Serenity, I listened to and really like their current release War of Ages. Yesterday I thought about the band and went back in time and listened to their 2011 release Death & Legacy and  I liked that album just as much as War of Ages, maybe more!! As I am writing this I just put on their 2008 release Fallen Angel.…. sounds just as good. Hard driving metal, good vocals, good guitar, etc… Like I do always when I’m listening to a band like this, I went to Prog Archives to see what they say about the band and  the albums. What i found is that the band is not included in the archives because their music is not prog enough! I’ve heard several bands that are included in the Archives and these guys don’t sound any different to this newbies ears!! Anyway here’s what I had written before about the band…..First from Wikipedia some background about Serenity: Read More