Today in Music – Oct 22, 1973 – Nick Andrew is born: Discovering Nick leads to a Music Filled Morning!!

Nick AndrewWhen I looked down the list of musicians who were born on this day the first  one that caught my eye had the same first name my first son – Nick, Then I looked at his last name and it’s my second son’s first name Andrew now I was really intrigued! A look at his instrument, the electric guitar sealed the deal ! I was going to check out Mr Nick Andrew.  My first stop was his website, where I read….. Read More

Lunchtime Hammond -B3 Music from Brazil’s Hammond Grooves and Jimmy Smith!!

Hammond Grooves 2So the other day when I was looking for YouTube videos of Eddie Harris, I came across the jazz trio Hammond Grooves from Brazil. Since I live in a town that has a large, and very important to the community, Brazilian population the band being from Brazil caught my attention. And that it was an organ trio also raised my curiosity! Since the band is from Brazil the information on online at the usual locations was sparse. I did find the band on Twitter and then found there website and their Facebook page. The only problem was that all the information was in Portuguese!! Now I usually use the Opera browser which does not offer translation of pages, so I tried to translate some of the information on Babel fish and got some basics. i.e. the leader of the band is Daniel Latorre ao (the) Hammond B-3, Wagner Vasconcelos: Bateria (drums) and Daniel Daibem:guitarra (guitar). Read More

Today in Music – Oct 22, 1957 – Happy Birthday – Canadian Jazz Artist Jane Bunnett

Jane BunnettA while back I discovered the music of Canadian jazz musician Jane Bunnett, like usual it was on a night that I was looking for new music and boy did I listened to Cuban Rhapsody  featuring both Jane and pianist Hilario Durán. and if you’ve never heard it give it a listen it’s great! Anyway, today I get to wish her a Happy Birthday Jane was  born on October 22, 1956 and is a Canadian soprano saxophonist, flautist and bandleader known for her Afro-Cuban jazz melodies. In addition to her primary instruments, Bunnett also plays the trompeta china, a Cuban wind instrument of Chinese origin. Read More

Yesterday in Jazz: – Oct 20, 1934 – Eddie Harris was born!

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Eddie HarrisSo the more I investigate the world of jazz music, I have come to the realization that what I know is like the tip of the iceberg, and there’s a whole lotta of iceberg below that tip!!  Like yesterday, it was Eddie Harris’ birthday, now I can’t fault myself for not knowing that it was his birthday, that may only be known to his most ardent fans. But I really should know more than his name and he is a jazz artist. When I read that he had a hit with his cover of the theme from Exodus, that sounded kind of familiar! But not really enough to say know Eddie Harris….. Read More

Today in Music – Oct 20, 1956 – British Jazz Guitarist Martin Taylor is born!

Martin Taylor

Among the jazz artists who are celebrating their birthdays today is guitarist Martin Taylor. Taylor was born on October 20, 1956 and is the son of bassist William ‘Buck’ Taylor. After listening to his father play the music of the Quintette du Hot Club de France, Martin became inspired by the legendary guitarist Django Reinhardt. “Buck” set Martin’s career path early in his life, giving him his first guitar at the age of four, by the age of eight Martin was playing in his father’s band and at fifteen he quit school with the intent of becoming a professional musician. Boy has he done that and done it well!! Martin is best known for his solo fingerstyle performances, where he provides bass and chordal accompaniment as well as a melody. Throughout his career, Martin has played in groups, guitar ensembles and as an accompanist. He has recorded with musicians that are spread across many genres including: Stephane Grappelli, Jeff Beck, Chet Atkins, Bill Wyman, George Harrison, Dionne Warwick, Diane Schuur and Jamie Cullum. And those musicians can attest to his greatness…. Read More

Life’s Soundtrack – A Busy Work Day in the Pines Music by Old Buck!

In the PinesToday I was in the Pines of South Jersey testing concrete that’s being used in the re-construction of the spillway, for the dam at the upper lake at Camp Inawendiwin Tabernacle, NJ. So I thought it only fitting that the soundtrack to the site should have a little twang to it. The band I chose for the ride to the site is a new band with an “old name and music type – Old Buck from  Walkertown, NC  and they play some mean old timey music. On their Facebook page they describe their music as “kickin’ stringband fiddle music and songs. kick ass, cookin’, and flat out“. Read More

Today in Music – October 17, 1976 – Happy Birthday, Gary Tu!

Gary TuAmong the Jazz Artist who are celebrating their birthday’s today is jazz guitarist Gary Tu, who was born on this date in 1976 and since I was married and living in student housing at that time. I am old enough to e his father and he would e my oldest son and Nick (my oldest son) would be his younger brother by three years! Not that it matters at all to you the reader, but it puts Gary in perspective for me!! Read More