Today in Music – 1961 – Dave Robinson (vibraphonist) is born!!
This morning as I was looking down the list of jazz musicians born on October 12th, the day remembered by all the indigenous people of the Americas as the day all hell broke loose and us as Columbus day, I stopped very early in the list, actually at the third name right after Chris Botti -Dave Robinson It was a name I recognized, but only as a Hall of Fame football player with the Packers, not as a vibraphonist. But I thought, hey, let’s discovery something new this Saturday morning and I did!! At AllMusic I read:
“Into the Morning” with thoughts about John Prine, Steve Goodman, David Bromberg and Brother Jack McDuff??
As I was straightening sugar and flour in the baking aisle at Target tonight, the “jukebox in my head” started playing Steve Goodman’s “City of New Orléans” and I was singin’ along and hoping that I was singing softly enough, so that no one could hear me!! After that Steve’s “Turnpike Tom” came on. I love that song!
Today in Music – 1919 – Another Great Drummer was born Mr. Art Blakey!
On this date in 1919, the great drummer Art Blakey was born I’ve only become an Art Blakey fan in the last several years. The happened because many, many times, when I was listening to jazz on the radio I’d hear something great that had some fine drums on it and then when the song was over I’d hear that it was Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers!! So I decided that I better check out their music and now several of Blakey’s albums are in my music library!! So before we hear some music, let;s find out a little more about the man from Wikipedia:
Yesterday in Music – 1915 – Happy Belated Birthday – Harry “Sweets” Edison!!
Life’s Soundtrack – Anders Osborne helps keep my Pace Up and the Effort Down with Peace!!
Well I proved tonight that Tuesday’s run was not just a result of having four days off!! I went into tonight’s run not expecting or really wanting to run as hard as I did on Tuesday! I had convinced myself that all I wanted to do was have a nice easy run. As I set out with those that thought in mind head and the music of Anders Osborne in my ears, I found myself holding a steady pace that was just under 10 minutes/mile and at times going down to 9:30 /mile. So I said ok let’s just let it roll and see where it ends up. Well it ended up again averaging under a 10 min/mile and only 2 seconds per mile slower than Tuesday run with an average pace of 9:53 per mile. So while I’m still not exactly where I want to be, I am running a lot faster and easier than I was back in August!!
The music of Anders Osborne that was in my ears and the soundtrack of the run was his new release Peace. The album sits at number 4 on the Roots Music Report Roots Rock Chart, rising from number 25 last week. The first Anders Osborne album that became a part of my library was his 2010 release American Patchwork which I thought was terrific. That was followed into my collection by 2012’s Black-Eyed Galaxy, which was almost as good. Now comes Peace and I think this one’s as good as American Patchwork. While I liked it on my run, I enjoyed it even more listening to it a second time earlier tonight! So I can’t wait until I get to listen a few more times. After listening to and thinking about the personal struggles that form the foundation of his songwriting, I understand why…..
Today in Music – 1921 – Monk was Born!
So on this date “Monk” was born. Yes, William “Monk” Montgomery the older brother of Wes, was born on October 10,1921. What’s that I hear, you say, you thought I meant the other Monk – yeah, Thelonious Monk was born on this date, too, only a few years earlier in 1917! Anyway, here’s some background on Monk Montgomery! From Wikipedia:
Life’s Soundtrack – MonkeyJunk’s latest All Frequencies a great run all around!!
The soundtrack for my great run tonight, which I will write about later if my brain doesn’t want to rest more than write, was the new album All Frequencies from Ottawa’s MoneyJunk. MoneyJunk?? Did I hear you say, “What’s that mean??” If you did here’s the answer, if you didn’t ask skip the following…