A Fine Saturday at Tufts University!

For me there is something special about being on a college campus. During our trip this weekend to Boston Elizabeth interview for Graduate School at two universities. First at Northeastern in Boston City and then yesterday at Tufts University in Medford, a little north of Boston. While Northeastern appeared to be nice the urban nature of the University left the buildings square and sterile! Read More

“Into the Night” with the Blues Harp of Mitch Kashmar!

So after listening to Kevin Selfe’s album last night and thinking about Mitch Kashmar lending his harp prowess to the album, made me feel like listening to a little Mitch Kashmar tonight!. So on my way back from the DMV I put on the Mitch Kashmar and Pontiax album 100 Miles and listened to several tracks. Once again I will say, by writing this blog and concentrating on finding and listening to new music, I don’t get enough time to listen to some of my favorites, and Mitch is one of them! He is a great blues artist and boy can he wail on harp. And I am not the only one with that opinion! “Mitch Kashmar is my absolute favorite blues harp player of his generation, and one of my favorites period! He’s also a first-class vocalist – his singing really knocks me out.” – William Clarke “Mitch was only 19 when I first heard him and he sounded good even then. These days, oh man, is he tough!”– Kim Wilson of the Fabulous Thunderbirds From his page at Delta Groove Productions: Read More

Today in Music – Birthdays for Johnny Cash and Paul Cotton!

So on this day two music legends were born. On this date in 1932 Johnny Cash was born and then in 1943 Paul Cotton of Poco was born, well maybe one legend was born and one great musician! anyway both had impacts on my musical listening. Of course Johnny Cash had the greater impact! n Through the years starting with songs like “Ring of Fire”,  “Jackson” and hell you know them all, through the TV show and the albums from San Quinton and Folsom Prisons, Cash blazed a trail many country rock musicians followed, he was their Beatles! The success that he found with the last albums he produced before he died prove that his appeal spanned generations and genres! He was the man!  For me after Cash came artists a love for artists like, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and many more! Read More

Life’s Soundtrack: A Good Sceond Run with some Great Blues from Kevin Selfe!

So it was a pretty mice day today in the Delaware Valley, temperature somewhere in the mid-40s, light almost until 6, no excuses for not running! So I hit the road, I ran the same course as the last time almost a week ago, but this time I went a little farther and the run was a little easier! I averaged around 10:!4 per mile, but again I’m just starting to build some miles again, so I’m not worried about time, just as long as I’m little faster and can go farther I’m fine! The soundtrack for the run was a little over half of the new album from Kevin Selfe Long Walk Home. Read More

Edward Meets More ProgRock – Italy’s Elvenking – ERA

So now that I’ve listened to many prog-rock, metal albums on MOG, several albums usually appear on the list of albums “just for me”. So there right next to folk and blues albums are these prog rock albums. Well yesterday, I listened to one of the albums ERA by Elvenking and I really liked it! I’ve written before that it amazes me that prog-rock/metal music is such a world-wide music phenomena and Elvenking reflects that geographical diversity. The band hails from  Sacile, which is located in the northeast corner of Italy. From their biography at Allmusic: Read More

Current Reads – Is Five Too Many??

Ok so how many books is it Ok to read at one time? Right now, I’m reading five! Is that too many? On the fiction side, I’m reading the latest from novel from one of my all time favorite authors James Lee Burke,Creole Belle. He is such a great writer! It takes about two to three pages for me to get sucked back into the world of Dave Robicheaux and Clete Purcell and New Iberia, Louisiana! Read More