Morning Music: Van Morrison – Turns 70 Yrs. Young!

Van Morrison – Northern Ireland – Born August 31, 1945

So last night as I was looking through old posts from Me, Myself, Music and Mysteries I kept seeing old morning music posts.When I first started blogging those posts were a staple of my blog. They were often just videos of musicians that I like, sometimes it was connected to the musicians birthday, while other times it was connected to a day in music or the artists birthday. When I looked down the list of jazz musicians who share birthdays today I saw Van Morrison’s name and thought that today would be a good day to re-introduce morning music!! The jukebox in my head immediately began to play Morrison’s “Tupelo Honey”. So I decided to make that today’s morning music! It could have been “Brown-Eyed Girl” for my brown-eyed girl, but hey “Tupelo Honey” works, too! Read More

Kori Linae Carothers’ Music and a four mile run ….

….Perfect Together

The Morning Run……

So if there ever was a morning that had a good excuse for not running, today was it! We babysat Oliver last night and didn’t get home until 1:30 this morning!! While I knew it would be hard to get up at 7 to run this morning, I thought well maybe 7:30 would work. When the alarm went off this morning I thought “Do I really want to do this?” The answer was less than a resounding yes!  But at least it was a yes! The more  I thought about it I thought well I will be running tomorrow – that will be ok!  No – I said today was to be your long day – it doesn’t matter how fast you go, you just have to make it happen – so just do it!! My pre-run routine was the same as Friday, except for the head smack because today was not a Kundalini/Weights day, so doing the Meditation Preparation Routine was fine!! Read More

Two Fun Afternoons With Miss Zoe

Babysitting Miss Zoe while Father Pete Went Off to the Doctors

This week my son Peter had two doctor’s appointments for his recent bouts with pain in his upper abdomen. The pains sent him to the hospital and left the doctors scratching their heads. All of his major organs look fine i.e.gall bladder, kidneys and liver. The initial diagnosis was pancreatitis. On Tuesday, he had an endoscopy and Thursday he had an appointment with a urologist. Since his wife Melissa went with him, we were happy to step in and watch Miss Zoe. Read More

An Am Walk with Oliver and the Music of Eldad Tarmu!

Dance of Death - Preston & Child

Eldad Tarmu – Vibraphone – Born August 26, 1960 in California

Today we are babysitting our grandson, Oliver and so far so good. He has been in a good mood, ate his breakfast and we just went for a long walk at the end of which he fell asleep!! This morning, I decided that I was going to listen to some music when we went on our walk and for the soundtrack I thought about making it some jazz, possibly someone new whose birthday is today!! Many times when I review the jazz birthdays I look for musicians who play an instrument that I love and today the instrument that was prevalent was the vibraphone with three musician’s sharing today as the day of their birth. The first was Eldad Tarmu, then Patricia Franceschy and finally Peter Appleyard. I chose to listen to Eldad Tarmu. When I went to Spotify to check out Eldad’s music the first album that popped up was Songs for the Queen of Bohemia. Okay. I said to myself, I  have listened to this album before and liked it. When I went to Eldad’s website I immediately remembered the picture of him. I thought maybe I have previously written a post about him, so I searched my posts and with no results! I guess he is one of the many musicians, I have listened to and never written about! So let’s do it now……First some background from his website biography…… Read More

A Special 40th Anniversary Night!!

The featured picture at the top of this post was taken from the rear of the Beverly Presbyterian Church on August 23, 1975 the night Kathleen Anne Clarke and I were married! It is hard to believe that 40 years have passed since that night! They always say that time flies when you’re having fun and for the most part we’ve had fun, oh we’ve had our share of sorrows, the deaths of our parents, particularly Kathy’s mother who died at the age of 48 from breast cancer, losses of favorite Aunts and Uncles, but those sorrows have been more than made up for by our four children, although much of the fun was at the expense of Dad, now that fun comes from our grandchildren Zoe and Oliver. Read More

Pantommind’s Progressive Metal Fuels a Good Run

The Run

So this morning I woke up feeling kinda stiff, but I guess that is what you should expect as one approaches 64. I knew that a run was on “my schedule” but so was yoga. I decided that I was going to do my Monday morning routine of Kundalini mixed with some weights and band exercises. As I did those exercises, I started to feel better and better, so thought well just maybe I COULD run!! I also thought it would be pretty bad to extol the virtues of scheduling and then skip a run the second day it’s on my schedule!!  I decided yes I would run!! Read More

R.I.P. – Frances Kathleen Oldham Kelsey

Frances Kathleen Oldham Kelsey

Working for the FDA -Frances Kathleen Oldham Kelsey refused to authorize thalidomide for market!


This evening I saw that among the recent deaths listed at Wikipedia I saw the name Frances Kathleen Oldham Kelsey. I didn’t recognize the name, so I decided to find out about Ms. Kelsey, Frankly I should have known the name, because Ms. Kelsey saved many Americans from major tragedies, when she refused to authorize thalidomide for market use because she had concerns about the drug’s safety! Read More

Irataba and Billy Pierce – Together?


Wikipedia Tells Me About Mohave Leader Irataba and RIP ChiSox Pitcher Billy Pierce

Through the years, I have read several books on the Native Americans of the West. Most of my reading has centered on the Sioux with some Apache and Comanche thrown in. One of the Native American tribes that I know very little about is the Mohave, which is why the feature story on their leader Irataba caught my eye this morning. Here is a little about the Mohave leader. Go check out more it’s very interesting…… Read More