The Dirty Truth – Joanne Shaw Taylor

The Dirty Truth from Joanne Shaw Taylor rocked my morning commute to Paulsboro!

On Thursday I babysat Oliver, In anticipation of the long day that lay ahead of me, I decided that some rocking blues would make a nice soundtrack for the commute. Through the years I’ve never had to worry about a commute to work. My workplace was a whole 4 minutes away from our house, 3 if you hit the lights! Any commuting I did was from the office to wherever I was digging a hole or delineating a wetland. Most of our work was in Burlington County, but occasionally those commutes were as far north as Lafayette, NJ in Sussex County or Cape May, so I’ve pretty much covered the state, not that there’s a lot to cover! Read More

Nowruz – A New Day, A New Year!

Nowruz – The Beginning of a New Year in the Persian Calender!

As I look out my window this morning, I am hopefully looking at the last gasp of winter! Three to five inches of snow is supposed to fall today, and be gone tomorrow, when temperatures climb into the 50s! I read this morning that today Iranians and other countries in areas surrounding Iran are celebrating Nowruz. Since I had no idea what Nowruz was I needed to find out! Read More

Breaking Creed -Alex Kava

Breaking Creed – Alex Kava Introduces Ryder Creed to Thriller Readers 

Alex Kava has been one of my favorite authors ever since I read A Perfect Evil, the first novel in the Maggie O’Dell series.That was one helluva great debut novel. Ms Kava has written 10 addition novels featuring and each one has been a wild ride! Now Ms’ Kava has introduced a new character for us fans to enjoy, Ryder Creed, The first book in this new series is titled Breaking Creed and like A Perfect Evil it’s a damn good debut. Read More

Summon the Wind – Timothy Wenzel

Summon the Wind

Timothy Wenzel – Summon the Wind

Fantastic electro-acoustic Contemporary Instrumental/New Age/Celtic music.

Timothy Wenzel - composer Summon the Wind

Over the last week or so the latest release Timothy Wenzel Summon the Wind has been in my music listening rotation. I spotted the album on the Zone Music Reported Chart for January where it was at number 6 on the chart. I had previously listened to Wenzel’s 2012 release A Coalescence of Dreams and his 2013 release River Serene and enjoyed both of the albums.According to Wenzel’s website, Wenzel   “writes and plays highly engaging electro-acoustic Contemporary Instrumental/New Age/Celtic music.” From his biography…… Read More

Run 3 Rocketing with Rocket Scientists – not!

Run 3 for March a little farther and a little faster – oh boy!

Yesterday, I was able to put off running by telling myself while it wasn’t cold, the temperature was going to hit 61 today so that would be a better day to run ! Today thoughts of putting off the run were still inviting! I told myself, you’re tired from working this morning at Target for the first time in a long time, and you don’t have to babysit Zoe until 3:30 tomorrow, so you could run early in the day! But after a couple of little cat naps between 3:30 and 4:30 I was able to get my body moving and get out the door for run 3 of March! Read More

Oliver’s 1st Birthday Highlights the Week!!

Oliver Celebrates Birthday # 1 in Regal Style as befits the “King of All the Wild Things”

So last week’s babysitting went like this – easy Zoe (2 hrs) on Monday, Mister Go-go gadget legs Oliver on Tuesday (10 hrs)and back to Zoe on Wednesday for six hours – actually all of th days were fairly easy! I say “fairly” because with Oliver nothing is ever REALLY easy with Oliver! Read More

Safari – Parnell Hall

SafariParnell Hall – Stanley Hastings Series (Book # 19)

It’s been a while since I read a nice cozy murder mystery, and while the story is set in Zambia where Stanley Hastings and his wife Alice are on a safari, that is what Safari by Parnell Hall is. This is book 19 in the Stanley Hastings mystery series and the first to be set outside of the United States.The setting of the books is usually New York City where Stanley works as a private investigator for negligence attorney Richard Rosenberg and is a thorn in the side of New York Police Department Sergeant MacAullif. In fact the only other of the books set outside of New York was another cozy mystery apply titled Cozy! In that book Stanley and Alice are on vacation at a cozy bed and breakfast in New England! Read More

Samuel Johnson of Howell NJ – exciting discoveries….

Granddad discovers his 5th great-grandfather  Samuel Johnson served in the American Revolution and more…

(Featured Image: My 5th Great Grandmother Antje Anny Brower)

Yesterday, I decided to do a little work on my family tree.I realized that I had never put in the information that I had discovered about my 4th great-grandmother Eleanor Johnson Cliver. When I first researched Eleanor and found her death certificate it said that her father was Daniel Johnson of Monmouth County. I searched and searched for a Daniel who could be Eleanor’s father but never could find anyone. Then one day on Ancestry, I came across an abstract from a will that listed Eleanor Johnson, wife of Samuel Cliver! Eleanor is one of eight children of Samuel Johnson and Antje Anney Brower. Now what I hadn’t done until yesterday was enter all that information i.e. her parents and siblings. Read More

Reading Challenge Update and March Reads

March Reading Challenge Update and Current Reads

So I finished book 8 of the year The Things Carried on February 27 and Book 9 Hard Rain by Barry Eisler on March 2nd. Both of those books were from my TBR pile and they bring the total number of books I have read in 2015 from my TBR pile to six. Since The Things They Carried is about the Vietnam War,it is historical fiction and the first book I have read this year that counts toward that challenge! While Hard Rain is a cloak & dagger book and brings the total in that challenge to 5! So here is where I stand now on my various challenges! Read More