On this Date in History – Corporal Barton Mitchell finds Robert E Lee's Special Order 191! Did he save the Union??

Sometimes the course of human history is latered by the actions of men and women that are well-known to us, and then

Copy of Lost Order displayed at Crampton's Gap, Maryland.

Copy of Lost Order displayed at Crampton’s Gap, Maryland.

sometimes the person is someone who no one knows or little remembers. On September 13, 1862 Corporal Barton W. Mitchell,of the 27th Indiana Volunteers, part of the Union XII Corps, became one of the later. On that date, Mitchell discovered an envelope with three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper at a campground recently vacated by Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill, a subordinate of Gen. Stonewall Jackson. Mitchell realized the significance of the find and gave it to his Sargent John M Bloss. The papers went up the chain of command along the way an aide to Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams…. Read More

On this Date in History – Corporal Barton Mitchell finds Robert E Lee’s Special Order 191! Did he save the Union??

Sometimes the course of human history is latered by the actions of men and women that are well-known to us, and then

Copy of Lost Order displayed at Crampton's Gap, Maryland.

Copy of Lost Order displayed at Crampton’s Gap, Maryland.

sometimes the person is someone who no one knows or little remembers. On September 13, 1862 Corporal Barton W. Mitchell,of the 27th Indiana Volunteers, part of the Union XII Corps, became one of the later. On that date, Mitchell discovered an envelope with three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper at a campground recently vacated by Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill, a subordinate of Gen. Stonewall Jackson. Mitchell realized the significance of the find and gave it to his Sargent John M Bloss. The papers went up the chain of command along the way an aide to Brig. Gen. Alpheus S. Williams…. Read More

Exploring the Ambient,New Age, Prog of Netherlands’ Forest Field- Onwards and Upwards!

On Tuesday of this week the soundtrack for my run was Forest Field’s second release Onwards and Onwards and UpwardsUpwards. According to their website……

  • Forest Field is not a band
  • Forest Field is a project
  • Forest Field is lead by Chinawhite guitarist Peter Cox
  • Expect some guests announcements soon…
  • The music is a combination of ambient, new age, progressive rock
  • with vintage sounds like mellotron, piano and organ
  • but also electric and acoustic guitars
  • and bass and drums where the song needs it

The project is the child of Chinawhite guitarist Peter Cox of the Netherlands. Onwards and Upwards is a combination of instrumental tracks (odd-numbered) and vocal tracks (the even-numbered ones). Central theme is “it´s not the falling down, it´s the getting up again” (from Stronger)..All of the instruments are played by Cox with the exception of the Native American flute on the song “Hope”. The flute is played by Sue Straw. The vocals are ably provided by Phil Vincent. I knda’ like the instrumental tracks more than the vocal ones, but I really do like Vincent’s vocals, so I guess it’s really a toss-up. Cox is more than able on all the instruments, but I do think that he is at his best when his guitar is soaring through a track!! Read More

High Marks for The High 48s’ Great Northern Railroad – Check them out!!

Yesterday, I was reviewing the Roots Music Bluegrass Chart and way down near the bottom, I came across a band whose

Great norhern Railroad 2name  was unfamiliar with, The High 48s. Their latest release Great Northern Railroad was fittingly #48 on the chart. Since the album obviously had a train song on it, I thought it would be a good album to check out!! So I headed over to Spotify, found the album, listened to a few of the songs, and since my foot hadn’t stopped tapping since the album began, I knew this one was a winner!! Read More

No Safe House – Linwood Barclay

No Safe House – Linwood Barclay (Book 24 for 2014)

The first Linwood Barclay books I read were his Zack Walker mystery books, and I loved them! After I fnished the third book and was ready to move on, I discovered that Mr. Barclay had left that series, and moved on to write stand alone thrillers. The first one was No Time to Say Goodbye and it was great! Since then I have read and enjoyed all of his books.  The latest is No Safe House. In No Safe House, Barclay treats his readers to further adventures of the Archer family,  the main characters in No Time to Say Goodbye! Read More

Today in Music – Happy 50th Birthday – Victor Wooten (September 11, 1964)

English: Victor Wooten playing his bass guitar...

English: Victor Wooten playing his bass guitar at the Belly Up, 2006-03-04. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Originally posted at Me, Myself, Music and Mysteries…..

So this morning as I was looking at the people born on this date, I thought how badly you must feel every year now as you celebrate your birthday on this tragic date. I think I’d celebrate either the day before or the day after, or maybe you just say, hey it was my day before you ruined it! Read More

Exploring the Prog/Post-Rock Music of Tampa’s Tides of Man – Young and Courageous

So far this week  I have run two days, first on Sunday and then again yesterday. Young and CourageousSunday’s run was a struggle, and yesterday’s while only slightly faster was a bit easier! The soundtracks for each run was a progressive rock band. On Sunday  I listened to Tides of Man and their release Young and Courageous and yesterday, the soundtrack was Forest Field and their current release Onwards and Upwards. Read More

Otis Gibbs presents some great – Souvenirs of a Misspent Youth!!

Otis Gibbs’  latest release Souvenirs of a Misspent Youth has been in my rotation for about a week now and the Souvenirs of a Misspent YouthIndiana native, East Nashville resident has crafted another fine album. For my money, Gibbs is one of the best songwriters out there today and this collection of songs may be his best effort yet! Gibbs’ songwriting talents rank right up there with the best, comparisons have been made to Woody Guthrie, TomT.Hall, Kris Kristofferson and Townes Van Zandt. His story-songs tell tales of everyday life. Read More

Orrin Evans – Live at Smoke – Liberation Blues – check it out!

I have heard Orrin Evans’ piano on a variety of albums over the last years but Liberation Blues on the Smoke Session label is really the first Evans album that his been in my rotation for any length of time. I can tell you it won’t be the last, and since his recording career includes 20 plus albums recorded as a leader since  it began in 1994, I have a lot more music to explore! Read More