The shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri is one in a seemingly endless string of white police officers using excessive force on African-Americans. Maybe it will be the one to wake us up, and help us put an end to this practice, but more than likely that’s just wishful thinking. Right now there is just too much, dare I say hatred, for people of color in America, brown and black, that has been fueled by the political right! That political right has waged a successful war not only against poor people of color, making them out to be the “takers” in our society, but also in making the left, those who fight for equal rights for all regardless of skin color, sex, or sexual orientation, the cause of their problems. That the programs that were created by Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty” are the ones that have trapped people in poverty and taken away their will to work and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Well, I would say that it’s the captains of industries fault. They are the ones that shut down the manufacturing plants and outsourced good paying jobs, they are the ones that destroyed the unions and took away people’s hopes and dreams of a good paying job and left gaping economic black holes in our inner cities! Hell, they’ve even rigged the election system and drawn election district lines such that areas that would elect a Democrat in fact elect Republicans and now are attempting to take away the right to vote through voter id laws!! Read More