Can We Save Our Country From the 1% ?- Support a Constitutional Amendment to End Citizens United!!

End Citizens UnitedSince I have been writing this blog one of the things that I have been crying for is to tax the rich.It is time that we have to start fighting for the lower 99% of America. Time for us start leveling that playing field. Time to start rebuilding the middle class. Time to start giving people back an American Dream to shoot for. But you know what, the rich don’t care because according to many …… Read More

This Day in Music – September 4, 1968 – Stations in Chicago and around US refuse to play Stone’s “Street Fighting Man”!

So this morning I was checking what happened on this day in music, when I came across this item at Oldies Music….Street Fighing Man

1968: Anticipating a protest firestorm at the upcoming Democratic National Convention, Chicago bans the new Rolling Stones single, “Street Fighting Man,” from its airwaves. The song calls for “fighting in the street” and a “palace revolution.” More at Read More

Karin Slaughter’s Cop Town – Atlanta – 1974 – A Wild Ride!

Cop TownThe first Karin Slaughter book that I read was Kisscut, which is book #2 in Karin’s Grant County series. After finishing the book; I immediately went out and found Book #1  Blindsighted and read it probably faster than Kisscut. Since then I have read every book she has written which includes both the Grant County and the Will Trent series, which are now intertwined! Cop Town is Karin’s first stand alone novel and for her first book she went back  40 years and recreated wonderfully the  feel of a changing Atlanta in 1974. My wife and I lived in Athens, Georgia from 1975 to 1979 and I remember Maynard Ferguson and Reginald Evans quite well! Read More

How about some Charlie Robison “Barlight” on his birthday? (September 1, 1964) Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Charlie Robison is celebrating one of those big birthday years today, September 1st! He is turning 50 years young today!! Charlie  is one of the TexasCharlie Robison Country music artists that I discovered through the Texas Country Music list on Yahoo in the late 1990s. Among that group were Charlie’s brother Bruce, Jack Ingram and Pat Green…. Some background about Charlie from Wikipedia….. Read More

Fuzzy Nation – John Scalzi’s Reimagining of H. Beam Piper’s Little Fuzzy done well!

Little did I know when I sat down to read Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi, that the story of Fuzzy’s story had been told before by H Fuzzy NationBeam Piper,in a very success trilogy starting with Little Fuzzy, and continuing in Fuzzy Sapiens and Fuzzies And Other People. (You can read more about H Beam Piper and his books at the H Beam Piper Memorial Website.). Even if I knew that the story was an update of these books, I don’t think that it would have hurt Scalzi’s marvelous re-imagining of their tale! Read More

British Blues 2014 – Standing in the Shadows from King King

British Blues 2014 Album of the Year winner – Standing in the Shadows from King King congrats!

The British Blues Music Awards were held last Sunday night. I will review the total list at some point today and write about the winners.But for now here is a post I wrote after listening to the album Standing in the Shadows from King King, which won the award for Blues Album of the Year. I have also reviewed the two runners up Aynsley Lister’s Home and Shake the Walls from Marcus Bonfanti!! Read More

Today in Jazz – Wayne Shorter’s 81st Birthday! (Aug 25, 1933)

Wayne ShorterSo you can probably count on you fingers how many musicians are still performing beyond the age of 80. Two that I can think of off the top of my head are  B.B. King and Tony Bennett, and when Wayne Shorter,  Wayne Shorter joined that group last year and this year Wayne will kick off a European Tour on October  16th in Croatia. Among the destinations are Sweden, Denmark, Spain and Portugl! Wayne was born in Newark, New Jersey on August 25,1933. Read More