Sunday Reads Jan 5, 2014 From Obama’s Plan for use of Aliens to Destroy America to a Resignation in Klingon!

Jim GarrowOk so It must be those people believe that what they read in The Globe and the Star and Weekly World News is real, that believe anything the comes out of the mouth of Jim Garrow!!

From Right Wing Watch: Jim Garrow Reveals Obama’s Secret Plan To Use Aliens And Canadians To Plot Against America

Jim Garrow today appeared on Erik Rush’s radio show to promote the Operation American Spring rally, where he predicted that President Obama will try to distract Americans from his supposed scandals…by claiming that he is now in touch with alien life.


This must be Obama’s Plan B, as Garrow previously claimed that Obama almost launched a devastating nuclear attack on the US with the goal of killing 90% of Americans in order to help George Soros make money.


“What we’re going to see soon is an unveiling of the concept that we have in fact been contacted by and have been in communication with people from other civilizations beyond earth and that will be part of the great deception that is forthcoming soon from Mr. Obama,” Garrow told Rush. Continue Reading

Now to me It’s one thing to say that you won’t sign the Affordable Health Care waivers because of your religious beliefs. But it’s something completely different to say that GOD will not allow you to sign the waivers. How come God allows Priests to abuse children??

From Crooks and Liars: Lawyer for nuns to Fox News: God doesn’t allow signing Obamacare waivers

The lawyer representing a Catholic group who is refusing sign a waiver exempting them from providing birth control coverage for their employees as required by the federal government said on Sunday that God had instructed them not to sign the form — and so they had to take the case to the Supreme Court.


During a debate on Fox News, NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue pointed out that the Affordable Care Act had struck a balance of allowing non-profit religious organizations to opt-out from providing birth control coverage while attempting to provide care for the vast majority of women in the country.


“This law was intended to uphold religious liberty and, yet, make sure that no one else was making my health care decisions based on their beliefs,” Hogue explained, turning to Little Sisters of the poor attorney Mark Rienzi. “So in this case, it’s beyond me actually why Mr. Rienzi doen’t just instruct his client to sign the form because no one’s going to get contraception and they can get back to doing the great work that they do to care for the elderly.” Continue Reading

Oh, wait that Pope that certain folks don’t see eye to eye with has actually sees those priests for what they are…..

Pope Francis: Pedophile Priests Are “Monsters”

Pope Francis wasted no time kicking off the New Year by labeling priestly pedophiles as “little monsters” according to a just released report of a meeting held in November.


Sex abuse scandals have plagued the Catholic Church for decades (centuries?) and the lack of action on the part of church officials has been a source of anger across the world. Rather than immediately handing known pedophiles over to the police, the “little monsters” were simply shuffled off to a new city or even country. There, they would continue to abuse children. It has been suggested that one of the reasons the Catholic Church has so many degenerates in it is because it shields, even enables, predators. Continue Reading 

Way to go Pope Francis……now if you were to tell me that there are people plotting within the Catholic Church to assassinate the Pope, well it’s certainly more believable than what Garrow says about Obama!!

Now it does appear that there is at least other Republican that believes in aliens or at least those brave Klingon warriors!!

From Crooks and Liars: North Carolina Councilman Resigns in Klingon

Are you a Klingon warrior?

David Waddell, plumber, and town councilman in Indian Trail, North Carolina, was fed up with all the government bureaucracy in his town, and so he sent the mayor a letter saying he was quitting.

Or, to be precise, “chaq DaHjaj QaQ jaj paj.”

Waddell told the Charlotte Observer that he’d had enough with “what he saw as runaway development in the town as well as concerns with how requests for public information were being handled.”

The only elected representative of the North Carolina Constitution Party also wants to challenge Democratic U.S. Senator Kay Hagan in her re-election bid. Read More

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