The Cage by Bob Holroyd – Let’s Everything In!

The Cage - Bob Holroyd

The Cage – Bob Holroyd -U.K. Multinstrumentalist

Sometimes an album just strikes the right chord with you! Such is the case with The Cage the new release from U.K. master sound manipulator and musical space-shaper Bob Holroyd. The first time I listened to the album, I knew it was for me. Subsequently it has been the soundtrack for my morning yoga and meditations. And every time  I listen to it I hear something new! Read More

New Age – Healing Music from Michael Brant DeMaria – The Maiden of Stonehenge!

The Maiden of Stonehenge
Michael Brant DeMaria

So the other day I was browsing through the Zone Music Reporter’s New Age Top 100 Radio Air Play chart and I spotted down at #87 an interesting looking album titled The Maiden of Stonehenge by Michael Brant DeMaria. Not knowing anything more about the album, than that it had both an interesting title and a cool cover (there I go again dating myself). I downloaded it on to the iPhone and gave it a listen. As soon as I heard the flute on the first track “Lost Village” I knew that I was going to like the album and I was very, very correct!! Read More