The “Americans United” Party Part 1!! The Time has Come to Unite and Move Forward!

Back in the 1970s Richard Nixon called for the “Silent Majority” to step forward to stop the loud minority of Vietnam war protestors, those who he saw as trying to destroy America, while we saw ourselves as the ones trying to save America! Today I belive that the roles are reversed the “loud minority” are the ones that are hijacking our country and dividing it along racial and monetary lines! Fighting against this loud minority is a “Silent majority This “silent majority” elected a black man President, one who gave us all hope for a better and brighter future and yet that “loud minority” who lost the election succeeded in creating a political climate based on racial hatred and wedge issues like gay marriage, abortion and gun rights and unfounded fears of totalitarian takeovers, that the President’s administration is left in political shambles. From the start of his first term the Republican “minority” has done everything they can do to set him up fail, but yet we the silent majority still elected him for a second term. Why? Because he represents a majority of the people of our nation! It’s a majority that wants to see people be able to marry the person they love, who want to see sensible gun control and action to save the planet from global warming, and to take actions like the following from Richard Reich’s post Robert Reich: Why Dems Lost The Election And What They Can Do About It