Liberal Policies Bad for America! No Way!

America and Americans have been Fleeced by Trickle-down Economics of the Conservative Right – not the Liberal Left!
I’m pissed that Republicans and Right-Wing conservatives keep blaming liberals for the conditions of our inner cities and actually America in general. They say that liberal policies have had a negative impact on the residents of our inner cities. What has destroyed the lives of many in the inner cities, destroyed the American Dream in the Inner City and the majority of the country? I’ll tell you – Republican policies and conservative corporate policy!! Who destroyed the unions, who shipped American jobs overseas and most of all who created an income gap between the rich and normal Americans! Not the Liberals, it’s the frigging fraudulent conservative trickle-down economics! America grew in the 50s through the 80s because the lower and middle classes had money! Money to spend to buy the products that corporate America was selling! Then Reagan came along selling his lies that if we made corporate America rich, it would trickle down to all! It was voodoo economics then and it is voodoo economics now! And over the last 35 years the effects of those policies have been compound by corporations outsourcing American jobs giving the middle and lower class even less disposable income!!