July 15 – Three Runs in One Week! Yeah Me! Life’s Little Victories!
The Run
Ah, this morning temperatures were in the low 70s and it was cloudy a good morning for a run. And it was,but there was one thing that I forgot! That one thing was that the relative humidity was relatively high! That for someone like me who sweats at the drop of a heat is not a good thing. My first thoughts about the run were that I would run my most hilly four mile run. But that thought went out the window after the first mile. May second, thought was maybe I’d run my four mile Creek out and back 4 mile run.
As I got hotter and hotter that run did not appeal to me. So I finally, settled on my 3.1 loop that includes the out part of the Creek Out and Back run. But instead of turning around at the 2 mile mark I just keep going straight and loop around and come back home. As I ran down along the Rancocas Creek I thought maybe I would alter the run a little and make it a four mile loop.

Point of run going uphill the building on left is the Watchcase Bldg where I work for like 25 years!
Then I hit the slight hill at the railroad tracks and as I struggled up that hill I thought the hell with it lets just get a 3.1 plus mile in today! The final length of the run turned out to be 3.30 miles as I ran just a little past our house.
Post-Run Walk
When I finished I started my usual cool-down walk around the block. I got a little past halfway around the block, when I thought about increasing the length of my walk. It would only take .70 of mile to make the overall workout four miles. Then I thought how about I go down to the high school track and see how accurate the GPS is on a walk around the track. The answer was pretty much dead on. When I started around the track I was at .52 miles and at the end of the lap .77, which makes one lap .25 miles!
I momentarily contemplated running some intervals. However, on the walk to the track I couldn’t see because of the sweat in my eyes. I could just see it. Well maybe not! I figured on the quarter lap after a full lap, I i would be blind! Anyway, I’ll save intervals for another day or night!
So the question of the day what’s worse : Sunny and low humidity or cloudy and high humidity. My vote goes to the later. Any thoughts?
the results of the run……..
Mile Splits: Mile 1 10:37 min/mile – Mile 2 10:56 min/mile – Mile 3 11:24 min/mile – 0.30 mile – 11:20 Totals 3.30 miles – 36:24 min – 11:01 min/mile
Average Heart Rate : 142 beats per min (bpm) Max 154 bpm Calories Burned: 464 cal
Soundtrack of the Run: Behind Our Eyes (Live 2014) from the Prog Rock band Anu]bis.
Here’s a Track from the Album. And once again I will try to write about the album later to day……
Featured Image: looking down Bridgeboro Street at the point where i cross it. Many times when I run down this street I think that the first time I ran down this street was as a member of the Burlington City Cross Country team in either 1968 or 1969? So I’ve almost been running down this road for 50 years! Oh My!