A Recap of an Awful Week!

OK so, so far this week has sucked! First, my car was backed into in the parking lot of a 7-11, lucky the person, who did it freely admitted that it was his fault, and sent me to his repair shop to get it fixed. I did so on Tuesday, and was told by the shop owner that he would get back to the  person who hit me with a price and to big the car back on Wednesday to get repaired. On Wednesday morning, I took the car back only to find out that their had been a change in plans and they were now going through their insurance agent and that they would get back to me about bringing the car in to get repaired. Yesterday, I heard nothing , so this morning I called their had been a mix-up with my phone number and the insurance agency had been calling the wrong number yesterday! So I took the car in today and then went and picked up the rental car that they are supplying.  So it looks like everything is working out, but it is still aggravating!

Then on Monday, we put Simon to sleep. Wednesday along with the car fiasco, I learned that my boss of thirty years, was going to have surgery on Thursday on his panceras to remove cancer. It doesn’t get much worse than pancreas cancer. He was operated on yesterday and they removed 50% of his pancreas and his spleen. Needless to say I wish him well!

And if all that is not enough, yesterday I received a call from the home my mother lives in telling me that her kidneys are failing and asking if I wanted her hospitalized or should they just make her comfortable. Considering her age and  ( 84) and all her other ailments including Parkinson’s disease I chose the later.We went to see her last night and she looks horrible and is not speaking but appears to her and understand! A picture of her in her youth is in the center of the family pictures on the banner of this site!

Anyway right now I need a laugh, so lets see there’s Steve Goodman or John Prince but who about some Modern Man and George Wurzbach’s “Moe”

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