The New Renaissance Granddad
Thought about this Blog, My Latest Run and Ally Venable
Finally a Post! Romeo’s Way Book 22 for 2021!

Ok so it may or may not be obvious but I am not having an easy time restarting posting to this blog. I have started countless posts only to not finish them. Frankly, I really don’t know why. Part of the reason may be that I am being overly self-critical. I keep telling myself no one cares or even likes what you write! Additionally, I think of the vast quantity of blogs and say to myself, “why do you think anyone is going to visit your blog?”My answer is always the same – I don’t know”. Then I decide to go and find something else to do!
Mothership Provides the Soundtrack for My First Run of 2021!

Ok so I’m thinking about going back to a larger variety of posts. The problem is my undiagnosed ADHD will not let me focus on just Books and Music. My life is too much more than just those two topics. Anyway l, while I still ponder how I want to expand the topics addressed on this blog here’s a post with a musical tie-in.
Spaceslug -Leftovers Discovered Thru Music Listening Expansion!
Brooks Williams Little Lion Kicks Off My Weekly CD Listens!

As part of my on-going effort to listen to music from MY music library, last week, I randomly selected five albums and loaded them into my CD player. Then at some point in the week I listened to them. I confess that I did listen to one of them twice? Any quesses on which one? Anyway here are the five albums…..