The High Cost of Low Living a Great Soundtrack for a Slow Run!
Day 4 – New Music Challenge – Blues from Marcus Malone

Better Man – Marcus Malone
Once again as I perused albums recommended by Spotify based upon artists I have listened to I came across blues artist Marcus Malone. And since I have never heard the music of Marcus he fit my New Music Challenge perfectly. A quick listen to the album convinced me that this guy is someone I should be listening to. Better Man, his 2017 release, was the album that was recommended. I listened to the album yesterday and again today on the way to and from work at Target. And the more I listen to the album the more I like it. It really does have everything, some great vocals coupled with some fine instrumentals. I think this one is going to be in my music rotation for a while!! In his Get Ready To Rock Review Pete Feenstra writes the following about Better Man
Day 3 – New Musician Challenge – Americana Artist – Michael Kelsh

Harmony Sovereign – Michael Kelsh
Last night and this morning I spent so time reviewing both the Roots Music Roots charts and the Euro-Americana Chart. I was looking for some musicians that were new to me. I found several names that interested me. However, when I played a few minutes of their albums , only a couple of them really caught my fancy. This morning though one really stood out. The album was Harmony Sovereign by Michael Kelsh.
New Challenge – The 30-day New Musician Challenge

The other day, one of the new challenges that I thought I could initiate was the following. The 30-day New Musician Challenge. Each day during the challenge I will search Spotify for a musician whose music I have never heard. Ok so that really doesn’t sound very much different from what I normally do does it? Well, maybe it doesn’t but what the challenge does it gives me some structure something that I can do every day on a regular basis, well, at least for 30 days!
Reading Challenges Update for Mid- April 2018
So far this month, I have finished two books. The first one was Dark Sky the second book in the Keiko series from Mike Brooks. The second was I’ll Keep You Safe from one of my favorite authors Peter May. By finishing those two books I have upped my total books read to 19 books. I am also slightly over halfway through Building the Great Society:Inside Lyndon Johnson’s White House by Joshua Zeitz.
Welcome to EK’s Life Challenges
Don’t Look For Me – Mason Cross (Carter Blake #4)

Carter Blake finds people who don’t want anyone to find them. For the last six years he has been one of those people. The reason why, revolves around Blake’s last days in the secret organization known as Winterlong. During those last days an American Senator was assassinated and Blake became the prime suspect. In those final days the Blake contacted his girlfriend Carol Langford and told her that for her safety she needed to go into hiding, too. When she finally decided on that course of action, she sent Blake a four-word note – “ Don’t Look for Me” and for six years he hasn’t!