A Weekend of Strong Workouts With a Charged Fitbit!
A Recharged Fitbit Recharges My Workouts and Me!
The other day I wrote that it’s not as much fun to exercise without a Fitbit. It’s more fun when you are exercising to see how many calories you’ve burned. After that post, I pulled out my daughter’s old Fitbit sans the part that holds the recharge chord onto the Fitbit.
The Unexpected President Paints a New Picture of Chester A Arthur!
The Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A. Arthur
Ok quickly tell me everything you learned in history class about President Chester A Arthur. I’ll wait! I bet your done aren’t you? So I imagine that you said ” He became President after James A Garfield was assassinated” or maybe even “he was responsible for Civil Service reform.” I imagine that because that’s just about all I knew about him until I read The Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A. Arthur by Scott S. Greenberger earlier this month.An additional tag line on the front of the book reads “A Gilded Age tale of corruption and courage” and that well sums up the book and the story of “Chet” Arthur. It is actually a pretty fascinating tale and Mr. Greenberger tells it well!
The Demon Crown – Science, History and Action Collide!
The Demon Crown – James Rollins Sigma Force #13
The Demon Crown is Book # 13 in the Sigma Force series from James Rollins. I think it just may be the best book in the series. I have written before that I love books that not only are good stories, but also teach me something new. Well, James Rollins does that just about as well as anyone writing today.
Cranking Up My Daily Workouts – Without a Fitbit!
I Miss My Fitbit
Okay I’ll admit it, I miss my Fitbit Charge HR. After my first Fitbit finally fell apart for good, I received another. I threatened to switch to a Garmin to get it though. The second one also fell apart. Then it died when it froze trying to update the software. Finally, when my daughter Elizabeth upgraded to a Fitbit Blaze, she gave me her Charge HR. That Fitbit has also fallen apart. So I am without a Fitbit or any other Fitness Tracker. As a result, I have not been working out as much! Actually,the lack of a Fitbit is probably just a convenient excuse!
Edward Discovers the Retro Rock of Sweden’s Siena Root!
Siena Roots Does Music the 60s and 70s Way and I Like It!
Yesterday,I was doing some organizing in my room, so I turned on Spotify. When I did a song titled “The Piper Won’t let You Stay” was playing. The longer I listened the more I thought,”Hey, I like this” And when I heard the organ solos, I knew I liked it! The song was from an album released in 2017 titled A Dream of Lasting Peace from a band named Siena Root.
2018 Winter Releases Include Some “Must Reads”
2018 Winter Releases Have Me Pumped
Oh that I was a Speed Reader!
Even though I already have a boatload of books to read in January, I still am on the quest for new reads. So I checked out the new releases scheduled for the first three months of 2018. The following twelve books are written by authors whose works I have previously read and enjoyed. The ones that I have written about can be categorized as “must reads” While the others are should-reads and would be read, if there were enough hours in the day!!!
A Recap of what has been happening so far in 2018
A Recap of My 2017 Reading Challenges – A Great Year of Reading!
Recapping My 2017 Reading Challenges
So this morning I finished The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese Art of
Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. It is the 63rd book that I have read in 2017. I will write about it and book 62 Visitation Street by Ivy Pochoda soon. For now though, I want to review my performance on my various Reading Challenges. I will also provide some thoughts about my 2018 Reading Challenges.