2018 Winter Releases Include Some “Must Reads”

Cutting Edge by Ward Larsen one of the 2018 Winter Releases

2018 Winter Releases Have Me Pumped

Oh that I was a Speed Reader!

Even though  I already have a boatload of books to read in January, I still am on the quest for new reads. So I checked out the new releases scheduled for the first three months of 2018. The following twelve books are written by authors whose works I have previously read and enjoyed. The ones that I have written about can be categorized as “must reads” While the others are should-reads and would be read, if there were enough hours in the day!!! Read More

A Recap of My 2017 Reading Challenges – A Great Year of Reading!

Visitation Street one of my 2017 reading challenges books

Recapping My 2017 Reading Challenges

So this morning I finished The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: the Japanese Art of

Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. It is the 63rd book  that I have read in 2017. I will write about it and book 62 Visitation Street by Ivy Pochoda soon. For now though, I want to review my performance on my various Reading Challenges. I will also provide some thoughts about my 2018 Reading Challenges. Read More

Shut Your Eyes Tight – John Verdon

Shut Your Eyes Tight - John Verdon

Shut Your Eyes Tight – John Verdon

So yesterday I did it. I reached what I thought was an unreachable goal. When I finished Shut Your Eyes Tight by John Verdon, I reached my goal of reading 60 books in 2017!

Shut Your Eyes Tight by John Verdon is the second book in his Dave Guerney series. The main character in the book, Dave  Guerney, is a retired New York City homicide detective. He is a gifted detective and is the most decorated detective in NYPD history. Read More

Damanek – On Track  And that they are!

Damanek - On the Track

Damanek – On Track  

The other day I was listening on Spotify to Sound Coloring the latest release from the Progressive Rock band The Adekaem. I had the music on in the background, while I was working on some projects around the house. So while I liked what I was hearing it wasn’t a really good listen. Anyway, when the album was over the music continued with a soundtrack provided by related artists. One of the artists was the band Damanek. The album was their 2017 release On Track.  Read More