Can Steve Hamilton’s Nick Mason Find His Exit Strategy?

Exit Strategy - Steve Hamilton July Reading Challenges Book

Exist Strategy – Steve Hamilton  (Nick Mason #2)

Exit Strategy is the second. book in the Nick Mason series from author Steve Hamilton. The Second Life of Nick Mason  was the first book in the series and it introduced readers to a different kind of hero. Nick Mason was a prisoner serving 25 years as the result of a robbery gone wrong. While in prison gang kingpin Darius Cole offers Nick his freedom, but not without a catch. The catch is that Nick has to carry out any mission assigned to him. And if he doesn’t hs ex-wife and nine-year old daughter will pay a heavy price. The missions – kill people who Cole needs dead!! Read More

Third Run of the  Week Puts Weekly Mileage Over Ten Miles!

July 15 – Three Runs in One Week! Yeah Me! Life’s Little Victories!

The Run

Ah, this morning temperatures were in the low 70s and it was cloudy a good morning for a run. And it was,but there was one thing that I forgot! That one thing was that the relative humidity was relatively high! That for someone like me who sweats at the drop of a heat is not a good thing. My first thoughts about the run were that I would run my most hilly four mile run. But that thought went out the window after the first mile. May second, thought was maybe I’d run my four mile Creek out and back 4 mile run. Read More

An Eclectic Playlist for A Short Afternoon Trip

Eclectic Playlist is the Highlight of An Afternoon Car Trip

This afternoon I made a trip to Walmart and the Cinnaminson Library. I needed to charge my iPhone 7 so I couldn’t pug it into the radio and charge it at the same time, so I brought along my iPod. I always say that I really do need to listen to the older music that I love more. But That would require that I listen to less new stuff which may not be a good thing as I try to present new music here. Anyway today the trip resulted in a short six song 24 minute playlist. The playlist reveals the eclectic nature of my music library. Read More

A – Mile Morning  Run Because It’s Hot and I’m Old!Three

July 12 th – A Three – Mile Morning  Run Because It’s Hot and I’m Old!

Ok so this morning when I checked the weather it was sunny and almost 80 degrees. The forecast is that temperatures will climb into the low 90s today. It would not have taken much to convince myself not to run! But I fought the impulse to do that. Rather I decided that the best idea was to shorten my run to around three miles. Additionally, I decided to plot out a course that would maximize shade! The final thing I needed to do was to tell myself to take it easy! Read More

Is Parnell Hall’s Puzzle Lady Series Getting Better and Better?

A Puzzle to Be Named Later – Parnell Hall

Ok so maybe juts maybe Parnell Hall is not going to win any major literary awards for his Puzzle Lady series. But if you are looking for a fast, funny and just enjoyable read try a Puzzle Lady book! I admit I have not read even close to the majority of the book series. I usually just pick up one of them at the library when I need a laugh break from all the murder and mayhem that I read. And the latest one that I just finished A Puzzle to Be Named Later was a welcome break after the last few intense books that I’ve finished. Especially, Chris Carter’s I Am Death and of course the ongoing circus of the Trump Administration. Read More

Reading Challenges Update – End of June, Start of July

Reading Challenges Update and Proposed July Reads

So I wrote the other day, that I am slightly behind the pace I need to maintain to reach my goal of reading 60 books in 2017. Right now I am at 29 books and I will need to read 6 books by the end of July to get back on pace. The following chart provide a tabulation of  where I am on my various reading challenges Read More

Cydemind – Erosion – Canadian Instrumental Progressive Metal

Today’s Soundtrack: Cydemind – Erosion – Canadian Progressive Metal

The soundtrack of my four-mile run this morning was Erosion the latest release from the Canadian Progressive Metal band Cydemind. (You can read about the run here). The album has been in my music rotation for the few weeks and I have found it very interesting.There’s a certain sameness to the tracks, but that happens with instrumental albums. At least in my opinion. Anyway, here is some background information on Cydemind. Read More

July’s First Run – Not Great But Every Run Helps!

EDK Delanco 5K

Today’s Run : July 9, 2017 – Four Miles – a struggle over the last mile

The temperature was right around seventy  degrees this morning so I decided it was a good day for a run. Looking back at my posts,I see that the last run I wrote about was way back on June 8th. Just because I haven’t posted, doesn’t mean I haven’t been running. While I haven’t been running as much as I should, I did run four more times in June  Here are the results…. Read More